Chapter 40

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Veteran's National Cemetery - Bourne, MA 

Mulder woke as the vehicle cleared the mausoleum's entrance. Almost immediately, he noticed the change - the thick smell of exhaust fumes replaced by fresh ocean air - the darkness replaced by light. How good everything felt. The fresh air along with the short nap had renewed his strength although he knew it would be short-lived if he didn't eat soon. The rumbling of his stomach had long since ceased, leaving a caved-in emptiness like none he'd ever experienced. 

Pushing himself up from Scully's lap and into the arms of an incredible stiffness that had settled within him, he realized he wasn't the only one coming awake. Scully, her chin just now lifting off her chest, looked weary and groggy. She looked like he felt. Mulder couldn't begin to imagine what she'd been through. 

"Gross," she said, wiping her face with her hands. "You don't happen to have a portable shower." 

Mulder knew the feeling. Sweat and dried pod fluid clung to his body not to mention what he felt growing on his teeth. 

"Who needs soap when you're the most beautiful woman in the vehicle?" 

"Nice try, Mulder, but I'm the only woman in the vehicle." 

"And your point?" 

"My point is... I stink." 

"I didn't want to tell you that Scully for fear you'd accuse me of the same, but damn..." he sniffed his underarm. "I was hoping it was you." 

"Gives new meaning to the phrase personal hygiene..." she waved her hand teasingly. 

"Tell you what. We get back to the motel, I'll let you clean up my act," he smirked. 

"Tempting," she countered. 

He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him, gently kissing the top of her head. "I missed you," he whispered, holding her tighter. "I'm never going to let you out of my sight again. Not you... not William." 

Scully basked in the words he spoke. The feeling of always being within Mulder's sight unleashed the raw emotions she felt for him, and she fought to contain the tears that were building. His embrace pulled her closer. 

"Mulder? What's he like?" 

"Well..." he contemplated. "He's damn good looking I tell you." 

"Like his father no doubt... but seriously..." 

Tenderly, he pushed a piece of her hair away from her eyes. 

"He reminds me of you." 

"Me? How so?" 

"His faith. It's a lot like yours... honest and sincere... genuine. It's not something he wears on the surface. It runs deeper than that... like a part of who he is. I really don't know how to explain it. This whole God thing... it's more up your alley than mine. I think you and William are very much alike in your faith. I think you'll both recognize that in each other. Do you remember when he was a baby and how you told me you thought the two of you shared a connection?" 


"Well, you do. He knew something had happened to you even before he knew who you were. He's been trying to help you. I don't know how he does it, but he has the ability to manipulate things... even while dreaming." 

"Like the cell door coming unlocked," she said thinking back. "All this time, I've felt a presence, but I thought it was someone older... wiser." 

"He's way past twelve, Scully." 

"Twelve," she said matter of fact, trying to remember the date. "No, I missed his birthday!" 

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