Chapter 51

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Unit Storage Area 

How they became separated was unavoidable but at the time, they didn't realize they'd been herded like cattle on their way to the slaughterhouse. 

Mulder's entourage, consisting of Scully, Gibson and BJ, had been making its way downward, exiting the stairwell at Level 6. So far, they made it undetected. With everything going smoothly, Mulder wanted to keep it that way. 

However, they soon realized that avoiding contact altogether was damn near impossible when they came upon a group of soldiers heading in their direction. The group appeared indifferent to their small team and exhibited no alarm. In fact, they were fooling around and seemed quite oblivious to anything out of the ordinary, but Mulder wasn't willing to take any chances. He stopped at the first doorway they came to. The sign at the door read, Unit Storage Area. Pressing the green button on the keypad next to it, the door opened. 

Inside, Mulder searched along the wall for a panel of switches but failed to find one that would shed light on the room. With a brief bit of anxiety, they listened to the soldiers' approach, their heavy soled boots slapping against the concrete floor. Fortunately, they passed by, leaving the small group breathing a sigh of relief. 

In the small fracture of light emitted by the exit sign over the door, their eyes began to make out shapes. Startled by what they saw, Mulder and Scully drew their weapons in unison, pointing them straight ahead at the figures standing in front of them. 

"They have no thoughts," Gibson confirmed. 

"He's right. This is one of the holding areas we told you about," BJ concurred. 

"How many are we looking at?" Scully asked, holstering her weapon in exchange for her cell phone. 

She flicked it open with Mulder following suit to allow the low light from their cells to illuminate the area directly in front of them. 

"More than you can count." 

"I get an overwhelming sense of space," Scully said. "Like this room never ends." 

"Your instincts are fairly accurate." 

BJ's statement made Scully uneasy. 

"Every instinct tells me we need to get the hell out of here. Mulder?" 

"I'm with you there," he agreed, but he continued to move along the wall to his left, all the while searching for a light switch. "But I'd rather not leave out the same door we came in just in case our friends out there are waiting for us." 

Drawn by her own curiosity, Scully moved to her right, cell phone lighting the way as she edged her way forward, trying to grasp the enormity of this place. She passed row after row of lifeless super-soldiers, who from what she could see, stood shoulder to shoulder with just enough space separating the rows so that someone could walk between them. As hard as she strained, she couldn't see an end. Starting down one row, believing she could find a light switch on the far side of the room, her steps grew shorter and more cautious as the time passed... and passed. 

"Mulder?" she turned around quickly, and all of a sudden felt very alone and isolated. 

There was no answer. 

"Mulder?" she called a little louder. 

"Over here," he responded. 

Why did he sound so distant? They couldn't possibly be that far apart in such a short time. Startled, she swung instinctively around, but saw nothing. Trust your instincts. 

Suddenly, light flooded the room, and Scully had to shield her eyes from the intensity of it. Great. Mulder found a switch, but somehow, it didn't feel right. Lowering her hand, she quickly became aware of the vastness of the room and the fact that she was completely surrounded by super-soldiers. As far as she could see, they were all she could see, and it unnerved her to the core. 

"Mulder!" her voice rose as she started back down the row. 

"Scully," he said right next to her. 

His close proximity startled her so much that she jumped but then quickly relaxed when she saw him next to her. 

'Don't scare me like that," she reprimanded. 

His hand reached out to take hold of her but at his touch, Scully drew back, knowing instantly it wasn't Mulder at all that held her forearm. Something was wrong with his touch - very wrong, and she looked in his eyes with a hint of bewilderment. 

Realization stole her breath. Not only did the man standing before her look and sound just like Mulder, but so did every other person on the row, staring at her with Mulder's eyes. 

"Scully, it's me," the entire row spoke. 

"Mulder!" Scully screamed, drawing her weapon, but it was immediately knocked from her hand. 

She stumbled backwards into the arms of another Mulder. 

"Scully?" she heard Mulder call from a distance and for the first time, she looked outward, beyond the super-soldiers who stood around her. 

As far as she could see, super-soldiers, identical in appearance to Mulder filled the room. Glancing upwards, through the transparent floor to the level directly above her, hundreds donning Mulder's face stared back at her. Their lifeless, penetrating stare sent such a chill up her spine and set her in motion, running through the outstretched hands that slowed her passage. 

"Scully!" she heard again, this time in a different direction from the last. 

Was it really Mulder calling out to her, or was it one of the super-soldiers who now possessed the ability to shape-shift? 

Level 38 - Computer Room 

From a central computer room in the heart of the facility on Level 38, Musgrave watched the monitor, ever so pleased with what was taking place before his eyes. 

"Seal the level," he commanded the super-soldier seated at the controls in front of him. "Ensure there is no exit." 

"Yes, Sir," the soldier's hands danced across the controls in obedience. "Level secure, Sir." 

"Very well," Musgrave said, unable to contain the grin. "Do you know the object of the game cat and mouse, Lieutenant?" 

"Yes, Sir. The cat chases the mouse and plays catch and release, toying with it, but not killing it, at least not at first. The object is to strike fear in the mouse and to enjoy the game until tired of it." 

"Precisely. Program the game into their matrix. I don't think I need to explain who's who, do I?" 

"No, Sir," the Lieutenant continued to work the controls and keyboard, commanding the super-soldiers below. 

"It will be an excellent test for our replacement units, a training ground of sorts. There's nothing more exciting than watching the enemy squirm," he grinned. "Except maybe watching them die." 

"Agreed, Sir. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with that." 

But that would come later, and Musgrave had to pacify his thoughts with what he had in store for them. Although he wanted to stay and watch, there was someone he needed to meet. He was content though. Level 6 was sealed; the doors of the storage compartment were locked. Mulder and Scully were now part of the game - his game. It was satisfying because only one could get in. But more importantly, no one could get out.

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