Chapter 23

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IH-85 - Outskirts of Gaffney, SC 

Will had been dozing off and on for the past fifty miles unable to get comfortable. Although the truck window was rolled all the way down, the hot night air stuck to him like a wet, putrid rag. His mouth and throat were parched. He craved water but was too immersed in a dream to rouse himself. 

Although he couldn't see her, he knew the woman was close by; so was the man. But there was something else - something he'd never felt before, at least not from the man. It was strong -  strong enough to encompass the woman; strong enough to wrap itself around Will too. Plain and simple, it was love - for each other and for him. 

His jaw dropped open and a bug caught in the truck's airflow, hit Will squarely in the back of the throat. He woke up instantly, coughing, gagging and hanging his head out the window, losing the contents of his last meal along Interstate 85. 

When he finally stopped gagging, BJ handed him the bandana that had been dangling from the gear shift. Will wiped his mouth and brought his head back in the truck. 

"Water," he said, but BJ had already put a bottle in his hand before he got the word out. 

Chugging several mouthfuls, Will wretched out the window again. Finally, he drew back in the truck, closed his eyes and leaned back against the headrest for a mere moment. With a sudden jolt, he came fully awake. 

"Go back! We've got to go back, BJ!" he insisted. "Turn around now!" 

"Listen to me..." 

"You don't understand! He's in trouble! I've got to help him, BJ! I've got to!" 

Will was at a near panic. He had listened to all of what BJ told him back in Democrat Hot Springs, and he understood what was happening to Mulder. He had to help him - had to tell him that he could beat the virus. 

"BJ, please!" Will pleaded. "Please go back!" 

BJ grabbed the boy's wrists, insisting that he stop and listen. 

"It's okay, Will. I turned around miles ago. I turned around when you entered the battle." 

Democrat Hot Springs, GA 

Mulder couldn't stop coughing, couldn't catch his breath. Blood and fluid drained from his nose and mouth. His stomach convulsed. His chest heaved. Something was rising up inside of him, trying to escape, and he was helpless to stop it. 

The strangest thought struck him as he became unable to inhale or exhale, his airway completely closed off. Twelve years ago this very night, Scully had struggled through the miracle of birth when William was pushed through the narrow tunnel leading to life. It had come full circle now, with an alien life form being pushed into existence as his body convulsed inward upon itself. It would be over soon. 

Even as flashes of lights blinded him from within in a desperate attempt for oxygen, Mulder knew there were two forces at work here - the miracle of life twelve years prior and what he hoped would be the death of evil as it sought escape from within him. 

But who would win? Who would survive? 


Scully paced about inside the stairwell trying to come up with a plan for escape, but her mind was reeling. Something was happening - something involving Mulder but try as she might, she didn't know what. She knew only that she should be with him. A series of contractions brought a tightened fist against her lower abdomen, leaving her confused. 


A violent convulsion forced Mulder to vomit the premature and grotesque life form. He gasped for air but found himself repulsed by the vile stench of the fluid that dripped from his mouth onto the floor. Vomiting again, he felt trapped and needed escape. Shaking, he struggled to his feet, with every intention of bolting for the door where the night air awaited. 

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