Chapter 32

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The aliens moved slowly towards Scully and Grant, analyzing them, determining which human would fall victim first. They argued back and forth, vying for the dominant position. The larger of the two won out, moving slightly ahead of the other. 

"Get behind me," Grant ordered. 

"No," Scully countered, but he pushed her back anyway. "It's cramped in here. I need room," he said and shifted the knife to his right hand. 

Scully longed for a weapon. What she'd give to have the M16 that she surrendered earlier. 

"Get ready," Grant forewarned, recognizing the subtle shift in the alien's stance just before it attacked. 

Attack it did. The weight of its body forced Grant backward towards the edge of the walkway. Grant aimed with great precision, ensuring that each thrust of his knife cut his opponent, its black oily blood seeping out from the wounds. But it wasn't without cost and on several attempts, the razor sharp claws found their way to his flesh. Still, Grant refused to give up. 

His larger frame forced the alien to focus on him though Scully could see the smaller one hanging back, trying to calculate a way around the others to get to her. Her blood froze as she stood there helpless, unable to offer any assistance. To her horror, Grant slipped and fell to his knees, and she watched helpless as the larger alien prepared for its final assault. She would have sworn the bastard smiled. 

Grant held the knife behind his back, signaling Scully to take it. She did. The moment her fingers wrapped around the handle, the alien lunged forward and seized Grabt, its claws sinking deep into his chest. Blood spewed forth from the gash as he fell forward. 

To the alien's surprise, Scully charged and drove the knife so deep into its throat, the blade jutted out on the opposite side. She pulled it free just as the alien stumbled and fell backwards on the walkway, dead. Unbeknownst by Scully, the blood exited the creature's body and advanced towards Grant, slithering into his open wounds. 

With its rival dead, the smaller alien attacked. It came at Scully, driven by the smell of blood and death. She was equally driven by anger and fear, propelling her forward. 

She took several swipes, missing each time while sustaining a number of cuts on her arms as she blocked the alien's advance. But as quickly as it had attacked, the alien unexpectedly stumbled backwards. Alarm crossed its hideous face. Looking at its claws, it saw only Scully's flesh and blood beneath them. It tried to shake it off but couldn't. Panic sent it back several steps. It was seemingly afraid of her, but Scully had no clue why. Continuing to retreat at her advance, it dropped to its knees and taking one last look at the blood on its claws, it pointed at Scully and died. 

Scully hadn't even made contact with the knife, so what had taken the alien's life? It was her blood that had been spilled, not the alien's. She didn't understand nor did she have time to ponder it as a groan brought her to Grant's side. Pulling the dead alien away from him, she knelt down, viewing the flayed flesh that lay open before her. Oh God, where do I start? 

"It's okay. You're going to be fine," she said calmly. 

"Hell of a mess," he said. 

"Lie still." 

Removing her BDU shirt, she sliced it down the center, neck to waist. Balling up one piece, she pressed it down over the deep gash in Grant's chest. He winced, but she held firm. Moments later, the cuts on her arms began to throb as the declining adrenaline rush hit her. She felt weak but ignored her pain. Lord, help me out here. 

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