Chapter 21

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Roadside Rest Stop - MO 

Will watched the entire scene play out in the reflection of the truck's cab window. From the approaching wall of fire to the man being stung, he watched it all until it faded into the Missouri rest area. He looked at BJ. His friend was exhausted. He wiped his brow, patted the knobby head of his trusted hound and purposely looked at Will. Without a word uttered, Will heard him. 

"Good job, boy. Whether you like him or not, you did the right thing. You must protect those that are sealed, or they can't protect you." 

With that, BJ sank back down and quickly fell asleep. Will climbed up into the truck bed and sat on the tire well. He patted Clarence as the hound sat down beside him. 

As time ticked away, the events of the night played over and over again in his mind. At first, he tried to convince himself it was all a dream, but every time he recalled BJ holding the fire, he knew it wasn't. Somehow, BJ entered his dream to offer guidance, to spur him to action. But when BJ acted out in reality to destroy with fire, it proved to Will that his dreams were real - that everything in them happened just as he envisioned them. 

More importantly, he realized the power he possessed was not limited to his waking hours. He'd experienced simple things like opening locked files, but the magnitude of the power had only now begun to reveal itself. Even in his dreams, it was with him and totally in his control. He could use it to protect; he could use it to help others. Knowing that, gave him a sense of peace. 

Before he climbed back into the front seat to grab some sleep, Will did something he never thought he'd do. He knelt down and prayed for the man he hated. 

Underground Facility - Women's Latrine 

Grant stood guard outside the locked shower room door. He wasn't concerned with anyone making an appearance in the area. He'd been working this section since Dana's arrival, and few ever passed this way. 

Inside, Scully quickly changed into the uniform Grant left in one of the lockers. It was hardly a tailored fit but would have to do. Fully dressed, she glanced at the name tag over the right pocket. 

"Elvis," she said. Elvis has left the building, and I hope to follow in his footsteps. Tucking her hair neatly beneath the cap, she stepped back to examine herself in the mirror. "You still look like Dana Scully," she complained, her gut churning with uncertainty. Picking up the rest of her clothes, she shoved them into the trash can, hesitating when it came to Mulder's shirt.

"God, how I wish we were together on this, Mulder," she sighed, taking a deep breath to infuse her with courage. 

A quiet knock behind him brought Grant to unlock the door. A moment later, Scully stepped into the hallway carrying the M-16 she retrieved from the locker. A hint of fear displayed in her eyes. She hadn't realized just how vulnerable she was feeling. Years ago, this wouldn't have been a problem. She was tougher then; she was used to hard circumstances and dangerous situations. Time away from the X-Files had made her soft. 

"It's okay," Grant reassured her, sensing her fear. "Look tough and stay behind me." 

"Lead on," she braved. 

They moved down the hall, weapons on their shoulders. One corridor after another, Scully quickly became turned around. She wondered how anyone could find their way through this never-ending maze. Avoiding the elevator, they headed to a nearby stairwell. As Scully read the sign on the exit door, it was the first time she realized the enormity of the facility. They entered the stairwell on Level 39. Down they went, one level to the next until they came to a door marked Level 20 - Transports. 

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