Chapter 52

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USS Vincent - Atlantic Ocean 

Alarms sounded, sending the crew of the Vincent into action. Pilots raced to their planes assisted by flight crews as one-by-one they left the carrier behind. The supposed training mission had taken a turn towards reality. Fortunately, Bill Scully had an expert crew at his disposal. Had he realized what they were coming up against, he would have had second thoughts. 

Even at a distance, he could see his planes were dropping like flies. They no sooner encountered enemy aircraft, when they exploded in air, the remains falling into the ocean below. What was happening? These were his top pilots? Who the hell were they fighting? 

"Sir!" one of his crewmen called out but almost at the same time, the world exploded around them, metal and glass splintering the air. 

Several more explosions rocked the carrier, listing it to one side before it settled back in place. Bill rose to his feet, searching through the choking smoke for the man that had called out to him. Bits and pieces of flesh were all he found. 

Making his way up on deck, Bill watched his men putting out fires, aiding the injured and exhibiting great bravery in a battle against an incredibly powerful enemy. He glanced the length of the carrier where aircraft had been destroyed and the flight deck pitted with holes larger than the aircraft themselves. 

When the alarms stopped, he found it easier to concentrate. Was the battle over? For now, yes, but it seemed to be over before it had ever really started. Unsure of how much time had passed due to the concussion he'd sustained before the second assault completely paralyzed his ship, Bill looked up from where he was lying to see a familiar face helping him to his feet. 

"Sir?" Captain McGuinness supported the larger man. "Are you alright?" 

"I don't know..." he tried to make sense of his fragmented thoughts. 

"We got your SOS and came as quickly as possible. Who did this?" McGuinness questioned. 'Do you have any idea?" 

Bill shook his head. He searched for an answer, but it was obvious he was suffering some disruption of memory from his head wound. 

"Captain!" Lieutenant Delony called out to McGuinness from a short distance away, motioning the Captain in his direction. 

McGuinness aided Admiral Scully as they made their way to where the chopper pilot stood beside an unrecognizable tangle of metal. 

"What is it?" McGuinness questioned. 

"I'm not really sure, Captain, but I think you should see this for yourself." 

Delony took hold of Bill's arm to steady him as McGuinness let go so he could move forward towards the black object lying on the deck within a tangle of metal. Removing a piece of the carrier off the object, he gasped and quickly stepped back, shocked at what he saw. 

"What is it?" Bill Scully questioned and insisted on seeing for himself. 

He dropped to his knees to get a better look but once there, shock registered as he looked down at the alien remains. 

"Damn it," he backed up as quickly as possible. "Dana was right," he admitted. "She and Mulder were right all along." 

Ventilation Shaft 

Time. It was running out, and he knew it. He grew weaker with each passing moment, unsure of whether or not he would make it, of whether he would live or die. Weaving in and out and through the darkened passage, he kept the goal before him. 

When home came into view, he felt relief. It had been so long since he'd been home, having become turned around and separated from family. But there it was before his very eyes, and not a moment too soon. In and out, up and down; he worked his way towards home as best as he could, aware that his strength was beginning to fail him. How he made it this far, he didn't know, didn't even give it any thought. All he knew was he had to get home. 

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