Chapter 19

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Underground Facility 

Scully spent the night fighting a restless sleep, expecting the guard to make advances. It surprised her when he didn't because of the way he'd acted that first night. She turned onto her side and looked across the room at his sleeping form. Sleep all day for all I care. 

Standing and stretching, she moved behind the tri-fold screen to use the facilities. Knowing he would awaken at any minute, she began her morning routine of washing up. As she dried her face with the one and only dingy gray towel, the guard appeared suddenly in the mirror. The look on his face was a warning Scully couldn't disregard. 

"You mind?" he asked, motioning to the toilet. Scully quickly returned to the steel bunk. When he finished, he sat on the cot where he lit a cigarette and took a long, deep drag. "Nothing like a cancer-stick first thing in the morning," he said. "Starts the day off right. Now if they'd hurry up with breakfast." 

"Mystery meat, mashed potatoes and green beans. I'd hardly call that breakfast." 

"That's right... women like fruit smoothies and granola. Men want meat." 

Scully's stomach knotted, fully aware of the meaning behind his words. To steady herself, she focused on changing the sterilized gauze dressing on her arm. After studying the burns, she was convinced they were healing on track. With continued care, they should be healed within a week. A few final pieces of tape... 

"You're blocking the light," she stated without looking up. The guard knelt down in front of her - the smell of cigarettes reaching her as he tried taking the tape from her. She pulled back. "I can do it myself." 

"A little testy this morning, aren't we?" 

"I get that way when I don't get my Dunkin Donuts," she replied at the application of the final piece of tape. 

"Maybe you need more than coffee." 

"What I need is to get the hell out of here." 

"Yeah... I know how to take you away from here," he said and quickly grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, pulling her to her feet. 

Scully fought as best she could, but the guard overpowered her. Struggling for better control, he threw her onto his cot and straddled her, his weight alone holding her down. Pinning her hands up over her head with one hand, he tore the front of her t-shirt with the other. 

As his body pressed close to hers, Scully screamed, fighting like a wildcat. His heated breath played against her breasts but the harder she fought, the more he succeeded. He was unmovable... unstoppable in his pursuit. 

She struggled, but her strength was fading fast. 

Beach Front - Cape Cod National Seashore, MA 

Walking along the Cape Cod National Seashore, Gibson and Byers barely spoke. Looking around, Gibson stopped and scanned the ocean. 

"Here," he said, pointing at his feet. "It's strongest right here."  

Byers looked down, seeing nothing but sand. 

"No," Gibson answered Byer's question even as it was forming in his subconscious. "I don't mean above ground. It's deep... underground... and it's strongest in an east-west direction. It travels; it moves. As soon as I hear a thought, another takes its place." 

Gibson faced the Atlantic. Though its horizon was beyond what his eye could see, a wave of panic reached out to him. 

"She's out there, Byers... and she's in danger. I know it." 

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