Chapter 9

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Underground Facility 

She could so easily get lost in his eyes. From the first time she looked into them in the basement office at FBI headquarters, she knew there was a passion that lived behind them. It would be years before she'd embrace that passion. 

Would she never have a child? Her attempts through technology had failed. Was it because it was so impersonal? She looked down at him now, his body glistening with sweat in the low light of the dozen candles that lit the room. There was nothing impersonal between them now. She knew everything about him. More importantly, she knew she belonged only to him. 

Washington, DC 

His heart was pounding, and he saw something in her that reminded him of the first day he'd seen her, an innocence and honesty that had yet to be discovered, but he knew it was there. He fell in love with her that very moment their eyes first met, but he refused to believe it. 

For now, he basked in the beauty she possessed, a natural beauty that held him captive. He held her, caressed her, become a part of her. He breathed the sweetness of who she was, and as strong as he was, he knew he was powerless in her embrace. 


Scully woke with a jolt, breathing heavily, holding the denim shirt as if it were Mulder. Though his scent barely permeated the material, it was her last connection with him, and she couldn't let go. She cried with intense longing, soaking his shirt with her tears. 

Hundreds of miles away in a hotel room in D.C., Mulder woke, sitting up quickly, searching in the room's dim light. He was certain Scully was there, that he'd been holding her close to him. Realizing the cruelty of the dream and the pillow he'd been clinging to, he buried his face in it and wept. 

Roundy's Donuts - Washington D.C. 

Skinner, Doggett and Gibson sat quietly over coffee. They looked at one another awkwardly. 

"Maybe I should call him," Skinner spoke up. 

"Good idea," Doggett agreed. 

"No need. He's coming," Gibson said, never looking up from the coffee cup he stared at. 

"You know that still freaks me out when you do that," Doggett said. 

Gibson looked at him and smirked. 

"That's why I do it." 

Mulder entered the shop and pulled up a chair across from his friends. 

"Sorry I'm late," he apologized. 

"Rough night?" Skinner asked, regretting it when he saw the look on Mulder's face. "Dumb question. Sorry." 

"We'll find her, Mulder," Doggett assured him with his usual air of confidence. 

"Look... finding her and having her sitting here are two very different things. I'm sorry if I've been a pain in the ass..." 

"If?" Skinner interrupted, breaking the tension. 

"Right," Mulder conceded. "Let's get one thing straight. Once we start this, there's no turning back. It's all or nothing," he stated, wanting to make sure there was no misunderstanding between them. 

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think we have a choice," Gibson said. "Once we start, they'll do everything they can to stop us." 

"What we need is some kind of defense against these super-soldiers," Doggett said. "We can't lead them all down to some rock quarry in New Mexico every time we run across one of them. We need to figure out what other weaknesses they have." 

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