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because of the perplexment it'd brought me. I'd be lying if I said that the only reason I was crying was because of the small fit Wes had made at the end, when Colleen was there.

"What did I say, Flora? I told you to stay away from him." Dylan's distinctive voice had me quickly turning up to face him. His voice was dripped in mocked arrogance. "He's a disaster." For some reason, Dylan's comment had irked me a bit. I didn't think Wes was a bad person. Just... hurt. But in turn, Wes had hurt me too.

I forced a small laugh. Dylan smiled, then raised both his eyebrows. "I forgot to ask. Are you gonna go to the mall thing on Friday?" I quickly remembered it. "Yeah, are you?" Dylan grinned. "Of course. It'll be me, Elena, Janet, Lacy, Monica, Jared, and you." He counted each person on his fingers. "If you get nervous around everyone, just stay by me. I'll protect you." I laughed at his cliche comment. "Whatever you say."

It felt easy being with Dylan. Though I didn't get the strong emotions I got around Wes, I still liked the way Dylan make me feel.

The bell rang shortly after, signaling it was time for lunch. Everyone rose at once from the table. Elena turned to me and winked playfully. Right then, I knew her plan was to get me to talk to Dylan. And it worked.

As we were walking out the library, Dylan stayed right by my side. "So you're sitting with Elena and I at lunch, right?" I glanced briefly towards Dylan. "Yeah, I just need to do something real quick." Dylan shrugged, confusion written in his maroon eyes. "Don't be long," he said as he caught up to everyone else.

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