chapter twenty- eight

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  • Dedicated to sophia, the crafty, nine year old

After Lucas left him stranded , Shane decided to walk home. He walked down maple drive, turned on atwells street, and walked up Jefferson hill. Shane was just blocks away from his house,when a little girl jumped in front of Shane. " are you Shane Wagner?" She squeaked. " depends on who's asking" Shane commented. "i am Sophia, and I am here to kill you" Sophia squealed. Shane started laughing uncontrollably. " ha ha ha ha , you don't know who your up against" Shane laughed. Sophia drew a dagger, and climbed Shane like a mountain. She pulled his hair back and pressed the blade on shamed neck. " move, and I will cut you" she proclaimed. Shane nudged forward, and Sophia fell to the pavement, hard. Sophia started crying as she pulled up her purple jeans. " my knee I scraped it" she sobbed. " here I think I have a bandage in my pocket. Shane dug through his black jeans to find a small butterfly bandage. " here you go" Shane said bending down to hand it to here. Sophia grabbed his arm as Shane slammed onto the ground. " you think I care about scraping my knee?, well I don't" she said getting up. Shane howled in pain, as he lay there.  She ran off, and turned a corner. She stumbled into a alley, as torin , was standing there. " a deal is a deal, can I eat now?" She cried. Torin was holding a box of pizza," a deals a deal" torin claimed. Sophia grabbed the box, and scurried off. She sat in a bench and opened the box. Amazed and shocked, to find there was not actually pizza in the box, just pieces of paper. She shut the box .and started crying, as Shane saw her crying. " what's wrong Sophia?" Shane asked. She looked as her face was covered in tears. " some guy named torin, tricked me out of my meal" she sobbed. " I should have known torin was up to this" Shane sighed. " come on let's get you some pizza" Shane said. Sophia look excited, as Shane held her hand, all the way to to the pizza place. Shane held the door as Sophia walked through it. " what can I get ya" the cashier said. " two large pepperoni pizzas , to go please" Shane said. " twenty-four dollars" he said, as Shane took out twenty- five dollars. Shane took out a fifty , and handed it to her. " spend it wisely" Shane encouraged. Twenty minutes later, the pizza was handed into shanes hands. Sophia hugged Shane and Shane handed her the pizzas. "wanna slice" she said. " no, I'm going vegetarian" Shane replied. " Shane whats your family like? " Sophia asked. "why don't I take you to them and you can find out" Shane replied. " I'd like that" she responded.

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