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Nevaehs pov
5 months later

The two babies are a lot of work. I've barley gotten any sleep but it's nice to have little babies in the house again. We had twins a boy and a girl we named them Mia and Asher. They were both beautiful and healthy and adorable. They had Armani's green eyes and my darkish brown hair. Mia looked a lot like me but Asher was full blown Armani.

"Hey baby boy" Armani said

I observed Armani and how he was a father. He was the best father. He was taking care of twins and the boys were still all over him. I had three boys and a girl. I never thought I was gonna get to have a girl but I did.

"Momma can I hold Mia" Kj asked

"Of course baby go sit down on the couch" I said

I was holding Mia and I was happy how much my boys were enjoying the new babies. I thought they were gonna be jealous but Kj is first born and he's been through Parker being born and he's never been jealous.

"She's so little" Kj smiled

"I know she's just a baby Kj" I giggled

"She's so cute" He chirped

Kj was going to get picked up by Kamryn later on and he loves going with his dad but he hates leaving the babies. I was so proud of the big brother he has become after three more times of him being a big brother again.

"So what is for dinner my love" Armani smiled

"Chicken, potatoes and green beans" I said

I was currently getting breast milk out of the fridge and heating up two bottle for Mia and Asher to eat. They were in the little play pen together in the living room while Kj played cars and Parker napped.

"Sounds yummy. Your such a good wife we should get down tonight remember how these kids were made" Armani smirked

"Oh yeah maybe a little touching and grinding" I said brushing against his dick

"Mm" he moaned

Making time for sex is a little hard when you have 4 kids and two of them are only a couple months old. Armani and I used to have so much sex and then it went down to during the night when we didn't pass out from exhaustion.

"Yeah I think I need that" I smiled

"Then I should go out and get some condoms because we don't want another surprise pregnancy" He chuckled

"I'm on birth control now it's fine" I smiled

The door bell rang in the middle of me cooking dinner and I knew that was Kamryn. I wanted Kj to eat before he went to his dads but the dinner isn't done yet. Maybe he'll wanna stay.

"Daddy" Kj yelled

"Hey my man" Kamryn said

I came out of the kitchen and Armani was having small talk with Kamryn.

"Hey kamryn" I smiled

"Hey how's the twins?" He asked

"Their napping right now" I said

"That's cool. I don't know if I ever want another kid" He chuckled

"It's a lot of work" I said

The baby monitor stated going off and Armani raced upstairs to go check on them.

"Did you wanna stay for dinner because I want Kj to eat before he goes over"

"I'll feed him don't worry" he laughed

"Yes But he loves chicken and potatoes" I said

"If you want me to stay I'll stay" He shrugged

"Kj you wanna eat with daddy or eat my food?" I asked

"Chicken come on daddy" Kj said pulling him into the house

I continued cooking the dinner while Kj made Kamryn play with him. Once dinner was finished Armani got the twins down here and they had another bottle while the rest of us had the dinner I cooked.

It was kinda weird to have Kamryn here but Kamryn is such old news that he's just Kjs dad now. Armani didn't seem to care that Kamryn was here and I think that's good that we can all get along.

"This dinner is super good" Kamryn said stuffing his face

"I know daddy I love her cooking" Kj smiled

"Thank you boys"

I seemed to always be outnumbered by boys in this house and that's just how it is when you have three boys and a husband.

Kamryn took Kj after dinner and Armani and I helped clean the dishes while Parker watched some cartoons in the living room. I loved the family I have and I couldn't believe after everything it all ended up working out.

"I'm gonna get the twins in bed alright" Armani said kissing my head

I was cleaning up the living room a little like I always did when the kids went upstairs to go to bed. Their was a knock on the door and I didn't know who it could be so late. I threw the stuffed animal in the play pen and went to answer the door.

I couldn't believe who was standing their in front of me. He looked different a little buffer and his hair was super long. He had scuff on his face and those blueish green eyes stared at me with lust.

"What are you doing here" I said shocked

"I escaped" he smiled

"What the fuck are you crazy?" I said

"I came back for you Nevaeh I miss you so much" he said grabbing my arm

"I'm married Austin I just had twins"

"You also have my baby" He smiled

"No Austin I can't" I said

"Just love me again please"

He was begging in front of me and I didn't know what to say. I can't even believe he broke out of jail. Where's jonah? What's happening? How did they even do it? He was all over me and trying to touch me. He was kissing my neck and he stopped staring down at my lips.

"Just kiss me" He smiled

"I I don't know" I stuttered

He leaned into me and I didn't know what to do


I'm leaving this story on a cliffhanger letting you guys end it how you want if she goes back with Austin or if she stays loyal to Armani. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do and I thought leaving it to the imagination was the best ;) Thank you all for reading! Check out my other austin fanfics

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