Brewing romance

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Please check out my new Austin fanfic called Austin Mahone -My tutor. The first chapter is already posted and it has no views so please go give it some love💘

Nevaeh's pov

I woke up early around 7am. Armani wasn't in the bed next to me. He was up and somewhere else. I pulled the covers off of me and got out of the bed. I was wearing the shirt he had on in the office last night. I didn't know where he went but I decided I was gonna go looking for him because I needed a ride back to my car.

I climbed down the stairs and the smell of pancakes, bacon and fresh coffee filled my nose . It smelled so good considering how hungry I was. My stomach was growling from here. I got down to the kitchen and he was shirtless and I seen the tattoo he had on his back that I didn't notice last night.

"Good morning" he cheered "Breakfast?"

"Uh I kinda gotta get back to my house" I said

It was Saturday and the kids were probably gonna be awake in another hour or so. I know that she probably doesn't mind watching them but she watches them like everyday while I go to work.

"Have something to eat first" He smiled sliding me a plate that looked delicious

I agreed and sat down and dug into my breakfast. It was really good he's actually a good cook. He sat down next to me and started drinking his coffee. He had the newspaper on the counter to read I assume. I wondered if this guy had a wife or something because he's just to hot to not be married.

"So tell me about yourself" I said

"What do you wanna know?" He said

"Are you married or something?"

"Am I married no" He chuckled "What kind of men are you messing around with?"

"Not men boys" I said rolling my eyes

"Oh you don't like the older guys?" He asked

"I do but I'm not exactly older" I said quietly

"How old are you" He asked curious

"I'm 18" I chuckled

"Oh I thought I was gonna catch a charge" He laughed

"How old are you?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"I'm 23" he smiled

"Your definitely a man" I smirked

He smiled "What are you looking for since your young and all, your probably not looking for anything serious"

"No I kinda am but all the ones I mess around with don't really want anything like that" I shrugged

"Im looking for a wife Nevaeh, I think you can fill that position one day" He smiled softly

A wife? This nigga just said wife. He really is looking for that? He's gonna bring me into his life make me his wife. I'm gonna be living this luxurious lifestyle with him. He doesn't know I have kids and that could change his whole mind. Maybe he doSent like kids or want them or maybe he wants kids of his own.

"Really? You actually think that" I said wide eyed

"Does that idea scare you?" He asked

"Not really I mean we just started doing something about our flirting today-"

"Yes I know I mean down the line, I like something about you and I don't just wanna be having sex with you. Last night was amazing but I'm not looking for just that" He explained

I nodded and agreed with him. I wasn't really looking for that either. I had that with Austin and I got Parker out of that and him and I aren't together now.

We left his apartment and he drove me back to my house. He told me that he would personally bring my car to me and I didn't know what that meant but that's what he said.

When we pulled up to my house Kj was standing in the window looking out for me. He was so adorable. He got this big smile on his face when he seen me and I waved at him.

"Is that your little brother or something?" He asked

I laughed almost because this guy really doesn't know what he's getting into with wanting me to be his wife. He didn't know I had two kids and I don't know how he was gonna feel about it. I figured I had to be honest with him

"Uh not my brother actually my son" I admitted

His facial expression didn't really change. It looked like he was thinking about what I just said. I can't really blame him he doesn't know what he was getting himself into.

"Aw he's so adorable" He smiled and waved to him

I was shook. He actually likes me even though I have a son? I didn't expect him to act like this I thought he was gonna speed out of here and never come back but he seemed happy. I almost forget that he's a man and not and immature little boy.

"Thank you I have another one he's 4 months old" I said

"Boy or girl?"

"Two boys their my boys I love them, Kj in the window is a year and a couple months old" I smiled

"Well I would love to meet them both we should make plans to all go out somewhere"

"I mean you can come in and meet them now if you want" I said flashing him a smile

"Yeah that sounds nice I don't have anything to for a little while I'll park in the driveway"

We went into the house and he followed behind me. Kj ran over to me yelling mommy. He was so adorable. Parker was in his play pen asleep in the living room.

"Shh mommy parka sleeping" He whispered

"Say hi to mommys friend Kj" I said

He waved at Armani and then ran off into the kitchen. My dads girlfriend came out of the kitchen and she smiled at us.

"Oh hello" She said eyeing Armani

"Armani this is my dads girlfriend Tiffany" I said introducing them

"Where's Ava" I asked

"Oh she's with one of her little friends she's growing up so fast" She said

"Ava is my little sister" I chuckled "I don't have three kids"

"I'd love to meet her too" He smiled

We sat down on the couch and watched some cartoons with Kj. I swear that's all I ever watch now because their little and this keeps them sitting down and quiet. Kj was actually taking a liking to Armani because he was reading books to him and playing cars with him.

When Parker finally woke up I changed him and Armani wanted to hold him so I set him down on his lap and he was just staring up at him touching the scruff on his face. It was adorable that they liked him and maybe something will work out with us.

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