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Austins pov

I was laying down on the couch in the hospital. It was really late in the morning probably around 3 am. Blazey was sitting on a chair right next to Jonah's bed with his head laying on his lap. Jonah hasn't woken up since he got shot earlier when we robbed the bank.

I can't believe Casey is dead. After the cops shot him he died and we don't know what happened to him. The ambulance took us to the hospital after we got into the woods and hit something. We were all feelings sick and our heads were fucked up but that was a couple hours ago and our injuries were minor.

Jonah had to get surgery because the gullet punctured his lug and it almost collapsed. He hasn't woken up and they said the surgery went well but his body is recovering from a lot of serious injuries.

Blazey has been all over him since it happened and I feel like I'm piecing together the fact that they might be gay for each other. Not to mention the hospital found out he was on some serious drugs. They believe he's an addict and I wasn't gonna admit that. I don't even wanna tell Nevaeh all this.

"Theirs someone here who wants to talk to you" the nurse said

It was he cops and they were two standing their. I looked at them and gulped they knew it was us they must have found something out when Casey died. We're all going to go to jail.

"You three are under arrest for questioning of your involvement with the bank robbery committed by Casey who was dead on the scene" One of the cops said

Blazey looked at me dear written across his face. I was trying to pretend like I didn't know what they were talking about. I was wearing something totally different and I don't know where all the guns went and the money because of the crash.

"Officer what is the meaning of this?" Blazey said

"In the car that we found you all in their was over 30 million dollars in that car; you were all dressed in black and were the 4 suspects we were looking for during the robbery" He answered

They pushed me against the wall because I was being difficult. I didn't want them to arrest me so I was resisting. They cuffed me and cuffed Blazey. I was looking back st Jonah he's gonna wonder where we all went. I can't believe we got caught I can't believe this fucking bullshit. This is so crazy how did we manage to get caught the plan was so good and it went so bad. I have a son I'm gonna do so long if they actually charge us.

We were thrown into the back of the cop cars and we were taken to the station. They put us both in a holding cell and we were scared shitless. I got one phone call and I didn't really know who to call. I didn't wanna call Alex because we just made up but I didn't wanna call Nevaeh and tell her all this. My two other friends are now dead.

"Dude were going away for a long time" Blazey said worried

"Dude I know just chill the fuck out. I got a kid at home to worry about" I shot

We waited their for hours until they finally called us each In the back room. I don't know what they were gonna ask us but I know we weren't gonna get away with this now. We're caught red handed theirs to much evidence.

"So Austin mahone 19 years old 5 priors been in prisoned twice, one for for robbery unarmed you were sentenced to 3 years, the second one for drug dealing on probation spending 9 months" One officer said throwing my file on the table

"Were you their?" He asked

"I had no part in any of this one of my friends died doing whatever he was doing, I just found out he was dead"

"You were found in the car that crashed in the woods when the cops ran you off the road. You guys had the guns and money all over the car. Your guilty. Now if you admit it you could get out on only a couple years and probation" He smiled

"I'm not guilty I'm not admitting anything I didn't do"

They exchanged looks and knew I was lying. They had the proof but they weren't gonna just let me go without seeing if I'll admit it. Maybe I'll get less time but I know that if I admit it their just gonna be able to automatically send me to jail. Maybe if I get a good lawyer I can get out on it or only a year and probation or house arrest.

"Mhm were done Mahone" He said

The officer grabbed me off the chair by my arm and I wanted to know what was gonna happen to Jonah. He was in the hospital and I should be able to see him. He's hurt and their just gonna send him to jail?

"Wait what about my friend Jonah he's hurt he got shot and had surgery" I said concerned

"He will be charged after he recovers" He said with no emotion

The cop dragged me out of the room and threw me back into the cell. Blazey wasn't even In their. They must have taken him back their to give him the same speech. I knew that their was no getting out of this I was gonna do some serious time. I wasn't gonna see Parker grow up for the first like 5 years the most important years to bond. I'm just gonna come out of jail one day and visit him and he's not even gonna know who I am.

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