Rembering what happened

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Nevaeh's pov

I barley remembered what happened at that party the other night. All I know is that I have these big ass hickeys on my neck. I remember being in the basement with Carter but then we got drunk and I don't know what happened. Did we fuck? I don't even know? I was hoping to remember it if we did but I don't really remember. I can only piece together some of that night.

I pulled the dark green sheets off of me and walked over to the bathroom. I heard the shower running and I pulled the shower door open thinking it was Alex but it was really Austin. Does he live here now? He turned around to me and he had this big red hickey on his neck. Did I give him that hickey? Wait I have hickeys did we fuck?

"Sorry I thought you were Alex" I giggled

"Nevaeh how are you feeling?" He asked

"fine why?"

"Do you remember what happened at that party the other night?" He asked

"Not really its kinda blurry I only remember getting drunk with Carter did we fuck?" I asked

"Us?" He asked

"Yeah you have a hickey I have a hickey?" I said confused

"No you and Carter fucked don't you remember?"

"Not really I was really drunk" I sighed

"I think he drugged you Nevaeh, do you remember taking any pills with him before you guys fucked?" He asked

I tried to think while he was washing the shampoo out of his hair. I didn't remember taking any pills but I think he might have because I don't remember that night to well.

"I think he might have" I said worried

"Don't worry Alex and I are gonna kill that guy" He said getting out of the shower

He wrapped the white towel around his waist and went over to the sink and started brushing his teeth. I was trying to remember that night and I think I remember Carter putting something in our drinks while we took shots. But I wanted to fuck Carter so they don't need to go and kill the guy.

"No Austin don't worry about it, I was drunk and I made the choice to fuck him"

"He took advantage of you"

"A little bit I guess but we were both drunk it was a party he didn't rape me or anything, you two don't need to lose your friend for no reason" I said shaking my head

I stepped into the shower and Austin was staring at my naked body through the mirror. I was thinking now I've slept with 3 guys and I don't even remember sleeping with him really. While I was washing my body off the shower door opened and I thought it was Austin but it was Alex.

"Hey babe how are you?" Alex asked

Alex always called me babe, he always acted like we were together but when someone asked I was just his best friend. I've had these feelings for Alex but we could never make something out of it were best friends and I know it just wouldn't work.

"I'm fine I told Austin to leave Carter alone you guys are friends and he didn't rape me or anything I wanted to have sex with him I just was drunk and so was he" I explained

"Veah Carter isn't my friend if he did that" He said shaking his head

"He didn't do nothing it's fine really I wanted to fuck him"

I thought to myself that I had to fuck him from stopping me from wanting to fuck Austin. I couldn't get with Austin because that's Alex's best friend it's just all wrong.

I went back into Alex's room and changed into some of his sweats and a white tight shirt I had here. I let my hair air dry and then I checked my phone. I had a couple messages from Kamryn.

From Kamryn- hey I'm gonna be at your house soon.

From Kamryn- r u at home??

To Kamryn- I'll be home just wait with him

I searched around for my shoes and then found my Jordan's at the bottom of the stairs. I forgot that today was Sunday. So I had to get home before he got their.

"Are you leaving?" Alex asked

Austins head popped up from his food. He was sitting at the kitchen table and he was looking at me.

"Yeah I gotta go Kamryn is gonna be at my house soon I need to get Kj" I said

"Oh yeah it's Sunday" He said remembering

"Yeah I can come back later if you want but I have to go to the store and get some diapers and more wipes" I said

I shoved my things in my bag and headed for the door. Alex gave me a hug and Austin was looking at me still waiting for me to say something.

"Bye Austin" I said waving at him

"Are you gonna come back?" He asked

"Yeah if you want me to" I giggled

"Tell Kj I miss him" Alex said and I nodded

Alex closed his front door behind me and I walked down the driveway into my black and red Camaro. I haven't been home since like Tuesday and I think my dad is wondering where I am. I got into my car and drove off to my house which was a couple blocks away.

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