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Austins pov

"Mahone! Rise and shine!" A cop yelled outside my cell, tapping his knight stick on the metal

I just woke up from my sleep and I nearly jumped up. I looked around and tried to realize what was happening. I jumped down from my bunk and looked over at the cell. The officers were looking at me. I didn't know why they were knocking on my cell while it was still dark out.

"Get your shit and get out here" He spat

I looked over at Brax and he was sound asleep in the bottom bunk. The blanket was just covering him and his whole back tattoo was exposed. I didn't even know what time it was and I didn't know what was even going on. I literally just woke up and I was groggy for a few min after.

"Mahone hurry the fuck up! I ain't got all night"

I threw my things in the net back I had, I was throwing all the clothes I had and the guard told me to bring my pillow. For some reason I felt like I was leaving but why would they be letting me go home In the middle of the night.

"Close on 40!" He yelled

He had my arm in his hand. He acted like I was gonna run away or something. I wasn't gonna risk that when I only have a couple days left here. I'm going to be having a baby soon and I just wanna get home and see the birth of my son. I've been locked in here 94 days.

I don't know what's going on with Nevaeh or how far along she is I haven't seen her because I got sent to the shoe for a fight.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Your being transferred"

"What! Where?" I shouted

"Keep your voice down Mahone" He hissed

We were walking outside the prison and I didn't know what was going on or where we were going. We went outside into the cold January air. It's not usually cold in Texas but it is winter and 50 degrees is cold to Texas people.

The wind was blowing around and he pulled the back of the van door open. He took my bag from my hands and threw it on the seat. He cuffed my hands and legs together and hooked me to the floor of the van.

"This isn't safe what if we crashed?" I asked

"Shut it Mahone" He hissed and slammed the door in my face

We drove for a little while and nothing looked familiar. It was pitch black out and I got a glimpse of the time. It was 3:30 in the morning and I had no clue why they were transferring me at this time.

"Where are you taking me at this time?" I asked

They just ignored me the whole time and I was yelled at to be quiet after a while. I wonder what Brax is gonna think when he wakes up and I'm gone.

Nevaeh's pov

"Oh my god dude is that water?" Jonah said in disgust looking at the floor

"Yes Jonah my water broke! You have a fucking baby why are you so shocked"

"You already had a baby before why are you so panicky?" Jonah asked

"Because my water just broke all over the floor and I forgot how much pain this is" I cried out

"Alright calm down I'm get Kj and we'll get in the car. Can you make it down the stairs?"

I nodded and he left the room. I tried to make it down the stairs slowly. I made it to the bottom and then I waited for Jonah. He was running back and forth across the hall and then he came down with Kj who was half asleep and the baby bag in his arm.

"Jonah I need he hospital bags too their in my room" I cried kneeling over

"Alright hold on" He said

He dropped the baby bag and ran into my room. He came down the stairs with al these bags and I took Kj from his arms and we went out into the car and Jonah jumped in the front seat and sped to the hospital.

"J I know I'm having a baby but slow down I have a one year old in the backseat" I sighed

I was holding the seat trying not to panic. We were close to the hospital and Jonah was speeding through stop signs and running red lights. We're lucky we didn't get pulled over or in an accident.

"Lets go!" Jonah yelled

He hopped out of the car parked in the fire lane. The car was still running and he snatched Kj from the backseat and ran inside. I was trying to waddle my way to the entrance but then a couple nurses came out with a wheelchair.

"Sit down" She said

They wheeled me inside and I could barley sit in the seat my contractions were getting worse. When we got inside they took me to the labor and delivery unit. When the elevator opened these familiar pink scrubs were standing their leaning over the nurses station.

"Dad" Jonah said

Our dad turned around and when he seen me in the wheelchair he looked excited but nervous at the same time. I'm sure he knew I was in labor because that's what he did for a living.

"Are you in labor Nevaeh?" He asked

"Uh I think so, my contractions are getting closer" I chuckled

"We need to get you into the delivery room, lets go have my grandson" He smiled

"Austin isn't even here. He needs to be here for the birth of his first born" I whined

"He isn't out of jail yet?" Jonah asked

"He's supposed to be getting out he had court but I haven't heard from him"

"Well he better get here soon because this baby is gonna be born" Jonah chuckled

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