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Nevaehs pov

I pulled on some sweats and looked for my keys. I don't know if I'm gonna take Parker with me because he's asleep but I would need Armani to stay with him. I was gonna have to go ask him once I was done getting my stuff together.

"Baby?" I heard

"Oh babe I was gonna tell you. Kamryn just called me he's at the hospital with Kj he needs some stitches and I didn't know-"

"Oh my god is he okay?" He asked

I got a little distracted by Armani just standing their with the towel wrapped around his waist. The water was dripping down his body and he was just gorgeous.

"I hope so. He said he didn't shed a tear and I don't find that hard to believe with Kj because he's not a cry baby" I said

"Let me throw some pants on and I'll drive" he said

"You don't mind going?" I asked

"No why do you wanna go alone?" He asked

"No I just thought you were exhausted from work"

"I love your son too Nevaeh I'm gonna be their for him" he smiled kissing me "Let me get a shirt"

He was such a good guy and I don't know how I got so lucky. I'm pregnant with his baby and he doesn't even know. I'm starting to loosen up to the idea of having another baby but it's still up in the air.

"Hey baby we gotta go" I said to Parker

He was asleep in his crib and I took him out quietly ito try and let him stay asleep. He kinda woke up a little but by the time we got to the car he was asleep again. I just wanted to hug Kj right now. I hope he's alright. He's gonna have stitches for the wedding now his first ever stitches.

We made it to the hospital and they brought us back their to go see Kj. He was sitting on the gurney with a smile still on his little face. I ran over to him and kissed him.

"Mommy" he smiled

"Are you okay baby?" I asked

"Yes I'll be okay"

"Kamryn how did this happen?" I said rolling my eyes

"We were just playing around and he slipped smacked his head on the corner of the cabinet and started bleeding"

The doctor showed up and started doing the stitches. He needed like 5 of them. The cut started above his eyebrow and went to his hair line. He didn't even cry while he got them he was such a tough kid.

"That's my tough guy" Kamryn said patting his back

"Can I get ice cream now" He smiled

"Yeah buddy anything you want" he said

We started walking away and he was gonna go his separate way but I wanted to know if he was gonna show up to the wedding.

"Hey Kam Are you gonna show up to the wedding?" I asked

"Uh yeah sure mind if I bring a date?" He asked

"Uh no"

"Alright. Say bye to mommy" he said

Kj waved at me and we drove back home. I don't know why I was bothered by him bringing a date but he hasn't really been with someone like that and I don't want some random bitch in my wedding photos.

"So he's got a date that's cool" Armani mentioned

"Oh yeah I know I didn't think he was gonna say that but whatever" I shrugged

1 week before the wedding

I was looking at myself in the mirror and my stomach has popped out a little bit. I am like 25 weeks pregnant right now and my jeans are starting to be really tight. I was trying to get my all time favorite ripped jeans on and I could barley get them over my ass and buttoned around my stomach. I've been pregnant twice before this and I have gained the most weight with this one.

I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I really need to start preparing for this baby. I need to open that envelope because it is literally driving me insane. I feel so different during this pregnancy I think it could be a girl.

"Momma" Parker said

"Hi baby"

I took the envelope and kept opening it a little more. I closed my eyes while I pulled the paper out and I couldn't contain my excitement. I opened my eyes and my dream came true. I'm having a baby girl oh my god this is amazing. I couldn't even contain how happy I was but I couldn't do anything because Armani was downstairs and I didn't want him to know.

"Oh my god. Parker your gonna be a big brother your gonna have a baby sister" I smiled

"Sissy" He said

"Yes oh my god this is incredible" I said

When Armani knocked out on the couch I went to the store to pick up some baby clothes. I finally got to shop in the girls section. The clothes were all so adorable and cute. I didn't even know which ones to chose I wanted every single one. I kinda went crazy picking clothes out and bought a lot of them and then bought some for the boys. We were really going to need a bigger house now.

I quietly tried to walk into the house because I wanted to hide all the girl clothes I got somewhere in Kjs room. I didn't want him to find out until the wedding in a couple days. I can't even believe I've hidden this from him but I didn't even know.

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