Welcoming parker mahone

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Nevaeh's pov

"Ahhhhh" I screamed

I clenched my stomach. The contractions were getting closer and more painful. I haven't heard anything from Austin. He had court yesterday and he was supposed to be getting out of jail. I need him to be here for the birth of his son.

"It's gonna be alright" Jonah said holding my hand

"That's real easy for you to say your not pushing a baby out"

"I got you" he smiled

He was holding my hand and I was squeezing it so hard. Kj was asleep on the couch in the room. He had his cars blanket draped over him. It's been a couple hours since I got here. My dads been in and out of my room checking on me while he does his job.

"Hey sugar plum how are you doing?" My dad asked

"I'm feeling a little better when the contractions aren't here"

"Well the nurses are gonna come in and check you to see how far along you are" He said

I nodded. The nurse came in and she checked me. I was about 7 cm dilated. She told me that I should be pushing soon which made me more nervous because I wanted to see Austin. I wanted Austin to be holding my hand and having this baby with me.

After another hour I was feeling like I needed to push. I didn't wanna push because I really didn't wanna do this. I was in so much pain and I just wanted an epidural.

"It's time to have this baby" my dad smiled "I'm so excited to have my third grand baby"

They were all ready for me to push but when I was about to they found a problem. I was worried and I didn't know what was wrong.

"The baby is breached doctor" The nurse said

My dad looked at her and stood up. He started telling everyone to get things ready. I was going to need an emergency c section the baby had his feet down and I wasn't gonna be able to deliver him like that.

They wheeled my bed down the hall. A bunch of nurses were dressed in scrubs ready to deliver this baby. I was so scared to have a c section I never had one before. He was already to low in my uterus to wait for him to turn over.

"Don't worry sugar plum everything is gonna be alright it's just a c section" my dad said

"But where's Austin I don't wanna go alone" I said my eyes welding up

"I'll come" Jonah said grabbing my hand

"Really?" I said shocked

"Yeah of course" He smiled

They took me in the deliver room and started prepping me. I got an epidural in my back and I was completely numb from the waist down. I didn't know how this was gonna feel.

"Stop shaking" Jonah said grabbing my hand

"I can't I'm so scared" I frowned

"Don't be your little bro is right here" He chuckled

"But where is Austin" I said letting the tears fall down my face

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