Coming home

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Please check out my new Austin fanfic trapped it's a fanfic where Austin meets his "dream" girl ;)

Nevaehs pov

Their is only a couple days left in our trip. We've been having so much fun here and definitely enjoying the sex whenever we want cuz theirs no kids to interrupt time. The hotel is absolutely amazing and I have the nicest tan and so does Armani. I never knew that Armani had some Brazilian in him somewhere so he tanned so easy.

The baby has been going crazy in my stomach this morning moving all around. We were gonna spend today on the beach because it is literally the hottest day here. It's like 110 outside and we're gonna just sun bath and walk around the beach have a relaxed day.

"So I'm thinking of getting her name tattooed right here in the middle of this cross and rose" Armani said holding his arm out

He had sleeves of tattoos and I don't know where else he could even fit tattoos but I think that's so sweet he wants her name on him already.

"How could you even fit anymore babe" I chuckled

"I don't know but I know I will" He smiled

I had a couple tattoos one of them was a dream catcher on my side and their was roses on my thigh that I had Kj and Parker's name in the rose petal and I'm gonna put her name too.

"Your gonna add her name to this one?" He asked pointing st the second last bud

"Yes probably you should put it right here where th cross ends and your wrist is empty" I said touching a blank spot

"Good idea hopefully it will fit depending on how long her name is" He chuckled "I feel like I need more space though I want a tiara and everything"

"Your beyond adorable babe" I smiled

We made it down to the beach and found a nice spot to tan at. I called back home to see the boys faces and they were happy that I was gonna be coming home soon. I was happy to go home and see them and be back in Texas. I'm gonna be like 7 months pregnant when we get back and we seriously need to close on the house and get moved in before she comes.

"I know she's gonna be here soon" I smiled

Armani and I spent the whole day shopping around for some girl clothes. We found the cutest things that we bought and we got some dinner but didn't really do anything else.

Last day

My time zones are all messed up. We're leaving Brazil right now at midnight but it's like yesterday still in Texas. The airports here were way different from the United States but everything here was beautiful.

The taxi ride was nice to the airport. The taxis here didn't have doors so the warm air from outside would blow throughout the car. Armani and I got such a nice tan and I'm happy we chose Brazil for our honey moon.

"We should be home in like 10 hours" Armani laughed

"Oh joy"


By the time we made it home it was like 7 in the morning and I was so excited to go home and see my boys. We drove back to Armani's apartment so excited. It's been so long and I feel like I've missed things in their life.

We opened the door and Armani's parents were their watching the kids. They were asleep on the couch and I just wanted to yell that I was home so they would wake up but I decided I would let them sleep.

"Their sleeping" I frowned

"It's okay babe we should get some sleep too" He said

We decided we would take a nap and catch up on sleep because we were jet lagged. I woke up to Kj hitting me gently on the arm and Parker was next to him holding his hand.

"Mommy" Kj smiled

"My boys" I cheered

I sat up quick and pulled them both on my bed. Armani was still asleep next to me and they were super excited to see me. I was kissing them all over and tickling them.

"Did you have fun mommy" Kj asked

"Mommy had lots of fun I got a tan" I said

"Tan" Parker smiled

"Yes baby boy"

"Mommy hows the baby" Kj asked

"Baby is good, wanna feel" I said

He gave me his hand and I put it on my stomach and she moved around a little. Kj got this little smile on his face when he felt her move.

"That's your little sister"

"Sissy" Parker chirped

Armani started moving around a little and he looked at us and smiled. His family was here. Even though their not his sons he treats them as if they were and it's adorable.

"Hey boys"

"Armani" Kj screamed tackling him in a hug

"This is family I love it" I smiled

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