Figuring it all out

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Nevaeh's pov

"C'mon stayy" Kamryn dragged on, grabbing my arm

"No Kam I can't stayy. I need to go home my dad needs me I have to watch my little sister"

"C'mon bring her here let's just chill and watch a movie"

"You come with me then if you wanna be with me so bad" I cocked

I got out of his king sized water bed that was filled with so many memories. Last night was something out of the blue and I don't even know why I went along with it. We got to kissing and then the next thing I knew his hand was down my pants and we were in the sheets.

"Ugh I don't wanna go to your house what if your dads their"

"Why he doesn't hate you or anything"

"Yeah but I got his daughter pregnant" He said rolling his eyes

"Then stay here" I said

I went over to the crib in his room and picked Kj out of it. He was drooling on his yellow polo onesie with these black pants on and some Jordan's. He was the cutest thing ever he looked like his daddy and I can't lie his daddy's cute.

"Ugh your taking my son too?" He complained

"Yes Kamryn this is my week" I said

I headed for the door and it closed in front of me because Kamryn slammed it shut. I turned around and he was looking at me with those big blue eyes and I just didn't wanna see the puppy face right now. He always pulled the sympathy card and frankly I was sick of it 6 months ago.


"Kiss" he smirked

I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck before I opened his door and headed down his wooden stairs. The front door pushed open and his brother came inside. Derek was always this hot shot too. He had this dark brown hair and these stunning blue eyes like Kamryn.

"Oouu is that Nevaeh?" He cooed

"God Derek shut up"

"Wait a second is that a hickey Kam?"

We both looked at his neck and I realized that I gave him this hickey on the side of his neck. I felt shamed now that his brother knew what happened. Derek was always so cute and I've thought about it but I really don't think he would cross that line.

"Oouuu shit you two hooked up last night" He said holding his hand to his mouth

"No that's-"

"Exactly what happened" Kamryn chuckled

"Wait so you two are back together?" He said confused

"No Derek and it's never gonna happen" I said

I was now at the front door and he held it open for me while I left. He was looking at Kamryn funny and I just didn't wanna try and figure out their mind conversations. Derek was the older one he was 19 and he has a two year old daughter, yeah we all fucked up.

I got out to my car and I really didn't know what they were talking about but all I knew is I wanted to get out of that awkward situation. I put Kj into his car seat and headed to my house.

Kamryn's pov

Derek closed the door with his mouth hanging open. He wanted to know what the fuck was going on and I wanted to know what was going on to. I don't know what came over me last night but I just had to hook up with her. She was just my baby momma and I was so in love with her before. I guess you can say those feelings never left.

"Bro what's up with that?" He asked

"I don't even know man"

"What happened did you two really fuck?" He questioned

"Yeah bro we did and I don't even know how It happened I just kept going on and on about how I missed her and how I was so in love and wanted to kiss her so bad and then she did"

"Are you lying tho bro like yeah it's great you two fucked cool but your not missing her"

"I mean it wasn't a total lie I do miss her, she's my first love bro" I shrugged

"Yeah I know she is but do you really wanna try with her?"

"I wanted to get fucked alright but that doesn't mean I don't miss her because I do but I just can't let myself fall into that relationship again it ended for a reason"

"I know man but you can't play with her feeling like that it ended like that before you can't just do that to her bro, if you love her so much"

"I did love her that much and then we had a baby and everything seemed to fall apart"

"I know I was with Casey for 3 years bro and then we had a baby and look where that got us divorced, moved out of our apartment and split custody of our daughter. Kids fuck with relationships but Casey is my baby for life. When you know bro that's it and I don't think your over her. This bad boy thing is all an act I was 17 once" He winked

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