Finding out

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Nevaeh's pov

I haven't heard from Austin all day and he told me that he was gonna be back after he made a few plays. But it's almost 1 in the morning and I haven't heard from him.

I was almost passed out in my bed and I was gonna give up but someone started pounding on my front door. I got out of my bed and went down the stairs. I thought maybe it's Jonah but he was supposed to be with Lexie tonight.

The pounding got louder and I yelled that I was coming. I opened the door and it was Alex. He was holding a bloody torn up Jonah. He was holding him bridal style and his blood was on him.

"Alex what the fuck happened to my brother" I hissed

"He was down in the south side dealing drugs and I got a call from Codie's girl about Austin being locked up. He violated his probation by selling drugs and then he got caught and Codie OD and he might not make it"

"Oh my god! What the fuck is going on" I yelled

Alex laid Jonah down on the couch and he was barley awake. He was bloody and I don't know why he was all beat up.

"What happened to him"

"He was dealing drugs and I guess some shit happened before Codie OD and him and Codie are on the same gang and some guys were giving him a tough time and Codie jumped into the fight and Jonah ran off when the guys left I found him about a mile down the road passed out"

Jonahs face was bloody and he had a gash across his forehead. He looked like he needed stitches. He was still knocked out and probably had a concussion. I wanted to know why Austin was back in jail. This was terrible I'm pregnant how long is he gonna be locked up for?

"So this Codie kid?" I asked while I wiped off Jonah's face

"He was Austins cell mate when he was locked up for like two years before I picked him up"

"Oh so their close" I mumbled

"Yeah I kinda lost my best friend to him" Hw said rolling his eyes

"I thought you were mad at Austin for taking me?"

"Well I'm over it we were just best friends who had sex I don't know why I got so defensive I just didn't want you to date my best friend I guess"

"Does Ac have a crushy wushy" I teased

"I just wanted Austin to find his own girls" He snapped

"Oh calm down" I laughed

"I really want us to be friends again" He sighed

"Of course Alex, but you have to make up with Austin too"

"I already have clearly or else I wouldn't have been down in the south side trying to help Codie" He said rolling his eyes

We carried Jonah up to his bedroom. We laid him down and just watched tv and tried to figure out what we were gonna do about Austin being in jail. I wanted to tell him I was pregnant but Jonah already knows and I want Austin to know first.

"Ugh what the fuck" Jonah groaned

"Jonah are you okay?" I asked

He sat up holding his head. He had a black eye and a busted lip and that cut on his head was gonna need stitches because he kept bleeding through the gauze.

"What happened?"

"You went down to the south side to sell drugs when were you gonna tell me that your a drug dealer in a gang?" I hissed

"I was gonna tell you but I had to hang low for a little while. I need money for this baby she's due in like a month. We're having a little girl and I want protection"

"from a gang seriously" I shot

"Yes Veah from a gang"

"So you know Codie Austins cell mate"

"God yes we're in the same gang" He said rolling his eyes

"Well your gang buddies let you get beat up"

"That's not true I was doing a deal and some of our enemies showed up and tried jumping me. Codie's house was right across the street he heard some shit and he came out. He got his ass just as kicked because their was 5 of them and only 2 of us. It wasn't fair and Codie had my back he's my leader"

"How the fuck did you get caught up in Austins mess" Alex said shaking his head

"Austin? Your baby daddy" Jonah chuckled

Alex looked at me confused. He didn't know what Jonah was talking about. I can't believe he said that. He must think that I told Alex or something. I shot Jonah a glare and he didn't know what to say after that.

"Yeah Austin he's in that gang shit to he just got arrested this morning for violating his probation Codie is his best friend they were cell mates"

"Oh shit small world" He chuckled laying back into his blue pillow

"Baby daddy?" Alex said again


"I didn't know" Jonah said defensively "isn't he like your best friend"

"Yeah but I didn't tell him because I wanted Austin to know, I didn't even want u to know"

"Your having Austins baby! Nevaeh what the fuck kind of shit is that?"

"I didn't do it on purpose Alex Jesus he got me pregnant didn't you tell your best friend how to use a condom"

"Didn't anyone tell you to keep your legs closed maybe you wouldn't have two kids before you were 18" Alex shot

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