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Austins pov

I'm on probation again. It sucks having an ankle bracelet tied to you at all times. I have probation for a year and a half and I'm not allowed to leave the states. I can go around the block make some of my plays but that was kinda it. I'm stuck inside most of the day taking care of my son.

Parker is a couple months old now and I'm getting used to the idea of being a dad. It's harder then I thought it was gonna be. A lot of sleepless nights and taking care of a newborn. Her and I took turns but when Parker would cry he would wake Kj up and then Kj would wake Emily up. It was a cycle of babies in this house.

I was just getting back from making some plays. I made almost $500 today. I've moved my selling from weed to selling cocaine too. I don't have a job so I need to make money to support my kid. I was walking back into her house and I seen someone sitting on the couch holding my baby that I didn't like.

"What the fuck is this?" I shot

Nevaeh turned around and gave me a shocked look. She must have not been expecting me home because my best friend was sitting on my couch holding my son. Alex and I didn't leave off on good terms considering he's been fucking her.

"Austin I didn't know you were gonna be home" she said

"No shit cuz Alex is sitting here holding my son" I hissed

"Austin calm down, Alex and I are friends-"

"Yeah you've been more then that, how many times did you guys fuck when I was in jail?" I snorted

"Austin we weren't even together then"

"Well we're together now and I wanna know why Alex is sitting on your couch when I'm not here?"

"He's here because he's my fucking friend to and he wanted to meet our son" she spat

"Take the baby" I said

She looked at me weird and then Alex noticed me walking over to him. He handed her Parker and rolled his sleeves up. He knew that I was thinking about fighting him right now. He knew my every move cuz we were best friends. Until he took her from me.

"You stole my girl"

"You stole her from me man I had her first I introduced you two and I trusted my best friend not to try and fuck the girl I liked" he growled

"What the fuck are you two doing?" She asked

"We're gonna fight like real men" I spat

Alex threw the first punch which caught me off guard but then we started throwing punches at each other's faces. We switched turns being against the wall before Alex jumped on me and we rolled around the floor. Our blood was mixed all over each other and Nevaeh was yelling for us to stop.

Jonah came running down the stairs and he didn't know what was going on. It was pretty late and he was probably asleep from taking care of Emily all night.

He tried breaking us up and he pulled my shirt back and pushed me off Alex. He got in the middle of us and Alex and I were panting trying to calm down the adrenaline we had. I couldn't believe I just got into a fight with him.

"You piece of shit" Alex yelled wiping his lip

"Fuck you Alex you fucked my girl"

"I fucked her the whole times you were locked away while she was pregnant with your baby" He laughed

"You fucking asshole" I yelled trying to jump at him but Jonah pushed me back into the wall

"You two need to fucking cut the shit before all the babies in this house wake up, you two are best friends get the fuck over what happened because whatever happened isn't more important then you twos friendship" Jonah spat

He had a point. All this stupid shit that's happened shouldn't even mean anything. I'm with her and she has my baby. Alex and I have been friends since I can remember.

"I'm sorry man" I admitted

"Yeah me too" he sighed

We hugged it out and made up. It felt good to stop all this bullshit and just get along with him now. We've been arguing for so long. It's good to get it all off my chest

Nevaeh's pov

I didn't know that Austin was gonna be home so soon. He came back and he was seriously seeing red. I swear you could see the steam coming out of his ears. I don't know why he's so hostile to his best friend. I know that Alex and I were fucking but I didn't think that him and Alex wouldn't be friends anymore.

"I'm gonna go put Parker in his crib" I said quietly

I made my way up the stairs and cradled Parker. I can't believe those two idiots were just fighting like that. Alex really pulled a knife out of his boxers and tried stabbing Austin with it. Things got really intense really fast and then they hugged it out.

I put Parker down in his crib and he dozed off into a sleep. Kj wasn't here for this he was at Kamryn's house this week. I sat down on my bed and looked down at the dirt bike pillow cases Kj made me have on my bed for him.

My door opened quickly and it was Jonah. He looked shaken up too at the whole thing. He looked at me for a minute before he said anything.

"Are you alright?" He asked

"Yeah are you?" I asked

"Their crazy, their down their hugging it out like their all buddies again" he chuckled

"That's crazy" I said

"Their crazy but I mean guys kinda just make up after they fight"

"I should have never gotten Involved with Austin but then I wouldn't have Parker and I love him" I smiled


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