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Neveah's pov

I was chilling at Alex's house in the basement. We were all playing video games, well they were but while I watched. Austin was outside on the phone with their other friend who was apart of the group. I don't know what they were talking about but he's been outside smoking a joint. I had Kj for a couple more days until I had to give him back to Kamryn. It really sucked that I had to share my son but that's what the courts decided was best for him and me kinda also. I think its good for a father to be in the child's life it's important to them to have two parents who care.

"Shoot him Zach dam!" Alex yelled

"Bro I am" He yelled back

I laughed at how they were always arguing when they were playing video games. They were so funny taking the game seriously when it's just a dumb game. The game ended on the screen because Zach was down and Alex couldn't save him because he had to many zombies around him. He slammed his controller down on the floor and jumped up from the couch. He was groaning and yelling curse words under his breath. Alex always took video games way to seriously he was a worst sore loser then me and im like the biggest sore loser I know. Zach was still sitting down in the armchair laughing at how mad Alex was.

"Ac its just a game bro" Zach laughed

"We made it to level 50 thats the farthest we ever went and you had to get down and die because you were to busy paying attention to your phone" Alex hissed

The sliding door opened and it was Austin. He was off the phone now and he was looking at Alex and wondering why he was so mad.

"Bro you good?" Austin laughed

"No I am not good, dumb Zach made us lose on round 50" Alex groaned

Austin looked at Zach and he just laughed.

"Bro we all know Zach sucks ass" Austin joked

"I thought I could count on you more then that " Alex said shaking his head "I need to smoke man"

Alex trailed up the. Kj was starting to be fussy so I had to get some food for him. I picked him up and walked up the stairs while Austin stayed downstairs with Zach and picked up the controller. I got upstairs and Alex was sitting at the kitchen table rolling a joint up. I went over to the cabinet and grabbed the formula out and then scooped some formula into a bottle and shook it up.

"Here baby" I said holding the bottle in his mouth

"You good?" I asked Alex while I took a seat across from him

"Yeah" He chuckled

"Its just a game but im just as big of a sore loser as you are so I cant even say anything" I chuckled

"You wanna smoke some of this?" He asked

"Yeah but I cant take Kj outside and smoke in his face, hes gotta finish this bottle. I mean if you wanna wait but if not its not that big of a deal" I shrugged

"Go ask Austin to watch him he will" Alex said

"I dont wanna bother Austin I dont even know him really" I sighed

"You can get to know him, He clearly knows what your lips are. You two always making out" He laughed

"That only happened a couple of times and at the party I was drunk" I stated

"Whatever go ask him and meet me outside" He said pushing the chair in

I sighed and went back to the basement. Austin dropped the controller down on the coffee table and looked down at his phone. Then he got up from the couch and ran into me because he wasn't looking where he was going.

"Dam sorry" He smirked

"Yeah sorry I bet" I smirked back

"Need something?" He asked

"Yeah could you watch him let him finish this bottle and then just put him in the crib over their?" I asked batting my lashes

"Well I gotta go let Rob inside but yeah i'll watch him" He smiled

He took him from my arms and held him kinda awkard until he did it right. He was letting the bottle lean on him and he was just looking at him. I was wondering if this guy ever seen a baby let alone hold one. I chuckled a little and then grabbed his hand to hold the bottle and then he smiled.

"Have you ever held a baby Austin?" I asked

"I got this don't worry" He smirked

Before he walked away we were just looking at each other for a second and then he pecked my lips before smirking and then went upstairs. Zach looked at me with his mouth dropped open. This is the first time Zach has been free lately so he hasn't really hung around Austin and I. I guess he didn't know that Austin has been really flirty with me lately. I followed behind him and went out onto the porch where Alex was blowing smoke out.

"I knew he would" He said handing me the joint

I sighed and took a seat next to him and took a couple hits before i gave it back to him. Sometimes being a mom was hard but I wouldn't trade it because I love my son even if Kamryn and I didn't work out like I wanted it to he was still apart of my life and we still made a baby together so he we always be in my life.

My phone buzzed down in my lap while I was passing the joint back to Alex. I didn't know who could be texting me because I was with all the friends I had besides my brother and my dad but i doubt they would be texting me. My brother and I were really close but when he was out with his friends or something we rarely texted.

From kamryn- Sup

Alex looked down at my phone and gave me a look of who it is.

"Its Kamryn" I said

"Kamryn why?"

"I dont know yet he just said sup"

To kamryn- Hey

From Kamyrn- I was wondering if you were busy kinda miss my son and kinda miss you..

To Kamryn- Are you drunk or high??

From kamryn- a lil high but I know what im asking you. C'mon slide through

To kamryn- Since when do you wanna hang out with me?

From kamryn- I wanna talk

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