Kjs birthday

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Nevaeh's pov

Jonah and I were hanging up the last of the streamers. The colors were red and blue so they were hanging across the room. I also have pictures up of when Kj was just born and I have a cute dirt bike table cloth and a bunch of toy dirt bikes laying around. I can't believe Kamryn was right he likes them now I'm sure he's gonna wanna ride one like Kamryn one day.

I was kinda upset that Austin couldn't the here considering he's been apart of Kjs life for a couple months before he went to jail. But it is what it is and hopefully he'll call when he gets the chance.

"Austin will call stop stressing" Jonah chuckled

He was on the back porch lighting up a joint. He had his zip up on but it was unzipped. He was still shirtless under it and his hair was a mess. Parenthood is definitely hard in the beginning until you get the hang of it.

"Where is your daughter?" I asked

"She's with Lexie she said she got her this cute dress for the party or some girly shit that I don't care about" He laughed

He put his legs up on the table outside and his sweats rose up his leg and his ankle bracelet stuck out. He got probation for stealing a car that he was driving that he didn't know was stolen. Someone in his gang gave him the job and he got caught. He doesn't think it's a big deal because he's in this big time gang so he thinks.

"Ouch" he groaned ashing the joint


"This tattoo kills" He laughed

He lifted his shirt and a big tiger face was on his side. It was a really cool tattoo actually one of his gang members did it who is one of the best tattoo artists in Texas so it came our good but he keeps scratching it because he says it hurts. He was beyond drunk and high when he got it so I don't think he even remembers.

The baby monitor started going off on the table and Jonah handed me the rest of the joint before he went inside to rush up the stairs and tend to his daughter.

"I'm here with the cake" Kamryn yelled

"Daddy!" Kj squealed patting his little feet over to him

"Kamryn" Kamryn smiled picking him up and tossing him in the air "Who is one today?"

"Me" He smiled pointing to himself

I was wearing this cute little outfit that the top was kinda tight so my 5 month old baby bump was popping out. I could barley squeeze into my jeans anymore but I managed to get them on. I had heels on and I really don't know why because my feet were swollen.

Kamryn took his eyes off Kj and put the cake on the table

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Kamryn took his eyes off Kj and put the cake on the table. He looked at me and looked down my body. I haven't told him I was pregnant yet and I don't think he really knew because it was on the low and now he's staring at my baby bump. I didn't really know what to say.

"Nevaeh are you fucking pregnant?" He chuckled

"Uh yeah I'm like 5 months along"

"Holy shit with who?"


"Your pregnant with my friends baby? What the fuck kind of shit is that? We have a baby together and your having his baby?"

"We're not even together like that Kamryn we were just fooling around and it happened" I said

"How the fuck-"

Then he stopped himself because he knew that's what happened with us but we were together and Austin and I weren't. We still got pregnant being foolish so it happened again. I don't know why he's mad it's not like he likes me still he's just being jealous.

"It just happened alright Kamryn" I shot

My phone started ringing and I knew it was Austin because of the number that came up. I picked the phone up and his voice filled the line. I could tell he was smiling.

"Hey cutie how are you"

"I'm doing alright Kjs party is starting soon"

"Dam I wish I could be their"

"Me too your baby is kicking around inside me"

"I wish it was different I wish we were together and this baby wasn't just us fooling around"

"You said I was your girl" I said amused

"Yeah I had to make it look good for my boys but we both know that's not what we want"

"Yeah your right" I lied

I know I'm sleeping with Alex and I'm pregnant with Austins baby but that's only because I know Austin isn't the relationship type and he's pulling it right now.

"Lemme talk to Kj wish him a happy birthday before I gotta go" He said

"Kj come here Austin wants to wish you a happy birthday"

Kj patted over to me and took my phone. He said hi Aussie into the phone. I could hear Austin chuckling.

"Thanks Aussie Im one" He smiled

"I know you are man happy birthday" I could hear Austin yell into the phone

"Tank you" He cheesed

He handed the phone back to me and I could hear Austin saying I love you.

"Kj tell Aussie you love him"

"Luv u" He yelled

I put te phone back to my ear and could hear him smiling through the phone. I wonder how he would react to me with Alex while he's in their and I'm pregnant with his baby.

"Alright well I gotta go now have a good party for him, I sent a card I don't know when you'll get it in the mail but yeah" He chuckled

"Thanks Austin bye" I said

People started to show up to the party and halfway through it I seen Jonah fly down the stairs and snatch his jacket off the hook. I don't know where he thinks he's going he's the uncle in this whole party. Kj was looking up at all the presents he had on the table. I feel like I was the only one who noticed not he even left. Where the hell wws he going?

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