Crime committed

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Austins pov

"Alright boys are we prepared" Casey smirked

Casey was fucking crazy he didn't have a bone in his body that didn't take risks. He's lucky he isn't dead by now with all the crazy shit he's gets himself into. He was never like this until recently when Codie OD, ever since then he's such a daredevil like he doesn't care about his life. He has two kids to worry about I don't know why he is so crazy.

"We look ready" Jonah said looking at all of us

We were all dressed in black. We had black jeans on and a black plain tee with a hoodie over it. Casey and I had the hoodies and Jonah and Blazey had zip ups. It was all apart of the special plan.

"J why don't you have black shoes on?" Casey asked

"Cuz I don't have all black Jordan's all I got are these black and gold ones" He shrugged

"It'll have to do, get your duffle bags" Casey said

We each had about three duffle bags that were deep. They were gonna hold along of money. I was getting excited about the money but I was nervous about how this was all gonna go down.

"We gonna get high first" Casey chuckled

Jonah was laying lines out on the glass table. I never knew he was an addict. I didn't know he did cocaine. I didn't really do anything hard like that I just smoked weed. So I rolled up a joint and smoked it to the face while Casey did some bong rips next to me.

Jonahs pov

"You nervous baby?" Blazey whispered

"Kinda" I shrugged

"Well let's get you high then" He smirked

Blazey reached over on the floor and grabbed something. I didn't know what he was doing until he pulled out two syringes, a lighter and a little bowl. Then I realized it was heroin when he poured it into the little bowl and put water in it.

"Shit is that heroin" I said wide eyed

"Yeah man some new shit I'm addicted too" he said

He lite the little cup up and started dissolving the heroin. I couldn't believe he was really about to shoot up. I didn't really know how I felt about heroin. He opened the needle and sucked the drug up with it. Then he started trying to find a vein. I noticed all the track marks he was getting on his arms.

"Wanna try some?" He asked placing the needle on the table

"Fuck it" I laughed

He sucked up the rest of it with the new needle and placed it on the table while he looked around my arm for a good vein. He smiled when he found one and told me to make a fist.

"You got good veins papi" He smirked

He stuck the needle in my vein and I flinched from how much I hated needles. He pulled it out and put a cotton ball on it to stop the bleeding. I just did heroin and I already feel like I'm feeling something.

"Don't worry babe I'm right here" He smiled putting my head on his shoulder

I chuckled and just laid down on him ready to start this job.

Austins pov

We were sitting in the van down the street from the bank. We were going to do this at promptly 5:30 pm. Casey and I were going in the front while they went in the back.

Jonah was sitting in the back of the van and he was beyond fucked up. He did that heroin with Blazey and now he's high as a kite.

"Alright let's get going, Blazey Jonah get in the back"

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