Fucked now

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Nevaeh's pov

My dad was yelling at Tiffany in the hallway. He was trying to figure out what happened and why their was an accident. I told him it was all her fault because she took her eyes off the road. She caused Jonah to be in a coma and Ava a broken arm that needed surgery she's only 3.

Lexie went home yesterday and I don't know what's going on with the baby. I just want Jonah to wake up already so I can talk to him. I really miss him. Alex has been in and out of here making sure I'm okay which is sweet.

"Fuck I need some water"

I shot my head up from his legs and Jonah was looking around the room for water. He didn't look to happy but that was just his face. I was smiling so happy to see he was finally awake.

"Oh my god Jonah! Holy shit I've missed you" I yelled pulling him into a big hug

"What's going on ?" He asked

"Jonah holy shit! You were in a coma for a couple days we were in an accident Tiffany crashed the car in the storm we flew off the high way"

"That bitch" he chuckled

The situation turned funny now that it was over and everyone was gonna be okay but I still can't believe that happened. You can't fully blame her for it because their was a storm but she should have had her eyes on the road and Jonah and I shouldn't have been fighting.

"Kj? Ava? Are they okay?" He asked

"Yes their fine I would have killed her" I laughed

"You right" He smiled

Our dad walked into the room and he smiled. He was so happy he seen him awake. My dad has been really freaked and hasn't really been going to work. He's been with Kj and Ava while I haven't left jonahs side.

"Have you been here the whole time?" He asked

"Of course I have I love you" I said

"Oh dam don't get all sappy" Jonah groaned

"I will! I missed you. I'm so happy to see your awake I love you son god I was so worried" My dad cheered hugging him

"Dam chill everyone im alive"

"You got a broken leg and some bruised ribs but you should make a full recovery"

I helped Jonah inside the house and up the stairs to his room. He had a blue cast wrapped around his leg up to his knee. He got crutches and placed them next to his bed before he fell back obviously tired from how much his ribs and leg hurt.

"Yo did they give me the good shit?" He asked

I was putting his antibiotics on his dresser and scanning over the labels. They gave him so zans so he'll be feeling good. I wanted to talk to him about what Lexie told me about how he's gonna be a father. But I didn't know how to approach it. I didn't even know if he wanted me to know yet but she told me and I feel like he's scared I mean he's only 14 and he needs help.

Jonah downed two of the zans and laid down on his bed. Right when I was gonna sit down and talk to him Kj started crying. Jonah kept his eyes closed while I walked across the hall to my room. He was crying in his crib about something and I think he wanted his diaper changed because he's smelly.

"What's the matter baby?" I asked as if he was gonna answer

While I was changing his diaper I was thinking about how I'm a teen mom and when I found out. It was scary and it's been hard but I wouldn't change anything. Kj is my whole world and I love this kid to death. I know Jonah may think it's hard and isn't gonna wanna be a dad this young but when he sees his baby his whole worlds gonna flip. It's like a switch turns on inside you and boom your in love.

I changed his diaper and went to grab him a bottle from downstairs. I figured I had to talk to Jonah about it sometime so I was gonna bring Kj in their and try hinting it. I walked into his room and he was nearly asleep but I needed to talk to him.

"Hey wassup" he said groggy

"Nothing Kj was crying I needed to feed him and change him" I said and he nodded

"So like you like having Kj around?"

"What you mean of course I do I'm his uncle"

"Yeah but I mean like what if he was your kid"

His eyes shot open and he looked instantly guilty for what I already knew. He just looked at me weird and closed his eyes again. I thought he was gonna tell me but he didn't.

"What are you smokin?" He chuckled



"What would you do?"

"Igh what are you getting at?" He said playing dumb

I figured I would just have to say it cuz I don't think I was getting anywhere with throwing hints at him. So I was just gonna spill the beans.

"I'm getting at your gonna be a dad"

"How the fuck you know that?" He whispered

"Jonah some girl showed up at the hospital trying to see if you were okay and she told me she didn't want you to die because she couldn't take care of the baby by herself. She thought you told me and I woulda thought you would tell me too considering I told you when I found out, you were the first person" I explained

He sighed and threw his head back in the pillow before he answered me.

"I know bro I'm sorry. You were gonna be the first person I told. I just didn't want to tell anyone yet. I just found out and I didn't know what we were gonna do. We're 14 dads gonna kill me you just had a baby he did and now I'm gonna?" He said shaking his head

"Well you have to have the baby Jonah your not gonna abort it"

"Nah man I'm not for that shit I'm just saying I don't know how I'm gonna afford it"

"Dads a lawyer in pretty sure we can handle it, i just can't believe you made the same mistake"

"Me either and that's why dads gonna kill me"

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