Ac lovin

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Austins pov

"Theirs daddy!" Brax smirked walking over to me

Brax, Jax and Slash were all walking over to the table I was eating lunch at. I groaned at Brax for saying that. The whole jail probably heard that because of how big of a mouth this idiot has.

I was still trying to process what she told me a couple weeks ago. I haven't seen her since because I've been in a few fights because people are running their mouth about me being a dad. I've had a couple phone calls with her but nothing about the baby really comes up.

Nevaeh and I never made our relationship official because I don't do the girlfriend thing but I told these guys she was and I don't know if she's thinking we are. I really like her I do and it scares me because I've never had these feelings for a girl before and this whole baby situation just makes me wanna run. She already has a baby with Kamryn and now she's gonna have one with me. I'm so not daddy material I'm not even boyfriend material.

"Can you keep your fat mouth shut" I hissed

"Dam what's up Mahone's ass this morning" Jax giggled

"You two just stop about the baby shit I don't want the whole jail to know" I growled

"Aw buddy your gonna be a daddy what's the big deal" Slash smiled

"Because I'm not ready to be a daddy, I was just banging this girl it wasn't anything serious and now she's pregnant" I sighed

"Oouuu" They said in unison

"What!" I hissed

"Mahone got actual feelings for a girl" Jax laughed

"How the fuck would you know"

"Hey I didn't do relationships either but now I got two kids and I'm stuck" He chuckled


"And he's gay" Brax laughed

"Wait I'm so fucking confused"

"I'm gay bro. I tried a girl once and she for pregnant with twins. I got two boys their like 4"

"You were fucking 14?" I said shocked

"Yeah a lot of experimenting" He smirked

"This makes sense now" I laughed

"You can't even tell I'm gay"

"I know it makes sense why you got the hots for that fucking kid in your cell"

We all erupted into laughter after that. You really wouldn't be able to tell he was gay. I didn't notice until I seen his celly sitting on his lap. Jax was a pretty tough guy all muscle tattoos everywhere. He was probably the manliest gay guy I knew.

"Shut up or I'll kill you" He smiled

"I'll kill you guys if you keep talking about me being a fucking father" I said pouting my fork at them

It was time To use the phones and I was gonna call Nevaeh. I needed to talk to her about this baby. I don't even know how far along she is. It gonna be locked in here for 90 days and I don't wanna miss any birth or anything. Oh what am I saying I didn't even want this but the fucking love I'm developing for her is overriding it.

"Veah" I smiled into the phone

"Hey austy"

"How are you?"

"I'm good how's jail?"

"It's jail" I chuckled

The line was silent for a second and I was thinking about how I was gonna bring up the baby. I mean it's my baby I don't know why I'm so worried about it.

"Kj come here" She said sounding far away

"Is Kj walking now?" I asked

"Yeah he's stumbling around" She giggled "He's almost one. Next week"

"Oh yeah he's getting big"

"Say hi Austin"

"Hi Aussie" His little voice filled the phone

"Hey little man" I smiled

"Veah I gotta talk to you, how's the baby?" I asked quietly

"The baby's good, I'm like 4 months pregnant now. How long are you in their?"

"I'm in for 90 days so you'll be like 7 months pregnant when i get out"

"I hope you don't stay any longer Kj was born early so I have early babies" She sighed

"I'm gonna be their don't worry, hey I gotta go now"

"Alright Austin I'll come visit you next week" She said

"Alright and Veah I love you and our baby" I smiled and hung up

"Aww Austin" Brax mocked

"Shut up guy" I laughed

Nevaeh's pov

Austin just said he loved me. Holy shit. When did we become a thing like that? I didn't think Austin did the relationship thing. I thought we were just fuck buddies. I haven't fooled around with anyone since he's been their because I've had my hands full and I kinda wanted to wait for Austin anyway but now he wants to be my boyfriend?

"It's almost your birthday Kj" I cheered

"One" He smiled

He was getting so big. His blonde hair was longer and it got in his eyes so I usually spike it up into a mohawk and it's the cutest. His big blue eyes have long blonde lashes now and he's always smiling with his little teeth. He's got a couple of them coming in and it's adorable.

"Yes that's right baby" I smiled

"Baby" He said pointing at my belly

Ever since I told him their was a baby in my tummy he points at it and says baby. It's really cute actually and he's excited to have a little brother or sister. I know he's only one and doesn't really know what it means yet but he seems happy every time I put his hand their.

"Yeah mommy has a baby in her tummy. Your gonna have a sissy or brother" I smiled

"Yay" He cheered

The front door closed and I spun around to see who it was. I thought it was Jonah but it was Alex. We've been getting along better since the whole time I told him.

"Hey beautiful" Alex smiled pulling me into a long kiss

I guess you can say we've gotten real close.

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