Colors Pt 2

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You all asked for it (it did take me far too long though) so here is Em meeting her soulmate 

. .  . .

 "Em, you don't need a soulmate to make you happy," Dan insisted.

"Oh, yeah, says you," she muttered, gesturing to Dan and Phil's linked hands. "You and Phil are attached at the hip."

"Maybe you're ace?" Phil offered.

Em sighed, "Ace people are born seeing color and I can't."

"But maybe you're just color blind. Hey, it happens," Dan said.

"I refuse to believe that," she muttered, through clenched teeth. "If I am then I've probably already met my soulmate and it was him." Em turned and stormed off.

"Why is she so set on finding her soulmate?" Phil asked.

Dan sighed, "She wants romance and happiness but she wants it to be her soulmate because last time she tried to date and it wasn't her soulmate.... Well, he was abusive and toxic."

"Oh, I hope she learns that she doesn't need a soulmate to be happy."

. .  . .

"Crush on the new girl, huh?" Dan asked softly sitting down next to Em.

Em turned to face her brother with wide eyes, "I do not!" Her face flushed a deep red. "I refuse! She's not gonna be my soulmate. I don't have a crush on her," she insisted.

"Em, you can have a crush on a girl."

"It's not that!" Em lowered her voice. "I know I'm bi, okay? But there's no possible way she likes me and there's no possible way she's my soulmate. I. Don't. Like. Her."

"Why not?"

"Because people like her don't like people like me," Em said, picking up her lunch and leaving.

Dan sighed and glanced over at the girl.

She had long, straight, pastel rainbow hair and was dressed in a pink sundress and flats. Freckles dotted her tan cheeks. She watched Em leave the room, looking slightly worried.

He turned away and hoped she would be good for Em.

. .  . .

"Why don't we go to the park?" Dan asked Phil and Em.

"Sounds great," Phil said.

"Em?" Dan asked after a minute. "Do you want to come with?"

"Nope," she muttered, eyes locked on her phone.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. Gonna stay here. Homework."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll be fine here."

"Please go with us," Dan asked.

"No thanks. Make it like a date or something. I told you, I have homework."

"It's the weekend! Do that tomorrow!"

"I'm not failing my class because my brother wanted some attention," Em said, rolling her eyes.

"You're not even doing homework! Please?" He asked. He and Phil both gave her puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please."

Em chose the wrong time to glance up at the two. "That's not fair! Ugh! Fine. I'll go with you but if I fail my class, it's your fault."


. .  . .

"This is stupid," Em declared in a bored voice, kicking a stray rock.

"It's not stupid," Phil responded. "It's a very beautiful park."

Em rolled her eyes, "Not that. Just-" she sighed in annoyance, "look around. Couple after couple after couple. I'm just third wheeling over here. I knew I shouldn't have come. I'm going home."

"Please don't go home," Dan said, grabbing her arm. "The fair's in town! You love the fair!"


"Please! I'll get you deep fried Oreos!"

Em paused, "It's not fair to bribe me with treats.... Fine but only because I can only get them at the fair."


. .  . .

"What about the swing ride?" Dan prompted as they entered the fair.

"Swing ride? Daniel Howell, you might have just suggested my least favorite ride," Em said, crossing her arms.

"Oh, right. I forgot that you don't like heights," Dan responded, looking around for another ride.

"Rollercoaster?" Phil suggested.

For a moment, Em's face lit up but it was gone just as fast as it appeared. "Fine but afterward I want fried Oreos," she relented.

Somehow, the three ended up riding rides for the rest of the afternoon. With each ride, Em's hair became more tousled and her smile got bigger. She spent the night contemplating her happiness.

. .  . .

"Okay so maybe you were right. I can be happy all on my own. I'm not even gonna look for my soulmate. I'll find them when I find them," Em said with a small smile.

"I'm proud of you, Em."

"Um, excuse me," a voice said behind Em. She turned around only to be faced with the new girl.

"Uh, hi," Em greeted awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm Alice and we share the next class and I've forgotten where the room is. Can you show me?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm Em by the way," Em said, holding out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You, too," Alice said with a smile as she shook Em's hand.

Suddenly, the world was brimming with bright colors and the girls were left looking around in surprise.

"Well," Em said, staring at Alice in shock. "That was convenient timing. Hi, soulmate." 

. .  . .


I'm hoping I have time to write a Christmas one-shot this week but if I don't post before Christmas... Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Whatever you celebrate (or if you don't celebrate any) have a lovely holiday! 

I have been soooo busy with school that I haven't had much time to write at all! Hopefully, I'll get a bunch of writing done over break so I can post every so often

I finally got my bullet journal together and I started that which has been super helpful 

Gamingmas has been wonderful so far (even though I am a little behind) 

I've been drawing so much which is nice

I watch JSE play DDLC which was really interesting and I saw the Game Theory on it 

I have a half day tomorrow and then I'm out until January 3rd

That's kinda all I have to say for now but I'm sure I'll probably think of something later that I've forgotten 

We finished reading Pride and Prejudice and then we saw the movie and just agh it's so good!

"No means no. No means no unless you are offering me food in which case no means a polite refusal in hopes that you ask again so I may accept." -MatPat

I love, love you all so so so MUCH! I hope you have a lovely break and I hope you all get plenty of rest! I love you! 


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