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I'm not going to give a description because surprises. The end is a little confusing but I believe in you guys. 

TW: Nothing!!

. . .

"Phil?" Dan shouted when he arrived home from shopping. "I'm back!" He set the groceries on the kitchen counter and looked around the house for his boyfriend. After searching the office, he was about to give up until he heard tiny crash.

Confusion flickered across his face. He pushed open the door to his room and his mouth dropped open in surprise.

The first thing Dan noticed was the small toddler looking slightly guilty, the second was the fact that said toddler had knocked over a glass. The little boy turned towards him and Dan couldn't help but notice how he looked like Phil when he was younger.

"Bear!" the little boy cheered, racing across the room and tackling Dan.

"Oof," Dan muttered as the boy tackled him. "Who are you?" he muttered, smiling slightly at the little boy.

The boy scrunched up his eyebrows, "Phil!"

"No, I don't know where Phil is."

"No! I'm Phil!"

Dan pulled back slightly in surprise. "Phil?"

The boy nodded happily.

"What happened?"

Phil shrugged.

Dan felt slightly overwhelmed, "B- can you change back?"

Phil shrugged again.

"Would you stop shrugging? How are you so calm? You're a toddler! What if you're stuck like this?!"

Phil's eyes filled with tears, "I-I dunno.Why are you shouting?"

Dan looked slightly surprised, "I'm sorry, Phil. I didn't mean to shout. I'm just a bit overwhelmed."

"I'm hungry!" Phil exclaimed.

"Okay, just let me clean up this glass first," Dan said, rolling his eyes and smiling slightly. He allowed Phil to run down to the kitchen and pick out what he wanted as Dan cleaned up the glass. He let out a few choice words as his cut his thumb on one of the shards.

Dan trekked back downstairs, holding the glass so he wouldn't cut himself again. When he opened the kitchen door, he saw Phil, who'd climbed atop the table and crawled across it and was now reaching for the counter so he could climb upon it as well. 

"Phil!" Dan squeaked, quickly tossing the broken glass into the trash, rushing over to the toddler and picking him up before he fell. "You can't do that! You could get hurt!"

Phil's eyes watered slightly, "I was just trying to get the cereal."

Dan's eyes softened, "You should've just asked. I don't want you getting hurt."

Phil pouted as Dan set him down the one of the chairs and began pouring the cereal. As Phil ate, Dan put away the groceries which were still lying on the counter.

"What happened to your thumb?" Phil asked, in between bites of cereal when Dan sat down next to him after the groceries were put away.

"Hmm? Oh, I cut it on the glass. One sec," Dan ran down the hall before returning with their medical supplies. He quickly cleaned his cut as Phil watched curiously.

"I wanna put on the plaster!" Phil cheered.

Dan smiled lightly before handing the plaster over to Phil and showing Phil his thumb.

Phil carefully unwrapped the plaster and managed to stick it on Dan's thumb. Phil kissed the plaster before speaking up, "There! All better!"

Dan smiled and picked up Phil, carrying him into the living room so the two could watch Doctor Who. The two watched a few episodes before Phil yawned adorably.

Dan turned to the window to see that it was dark already before he picked up Phil and carried him to his room. Dan tucked Phil in carefully.

"Goodnight, lion."

"Night, bear," Phil muttered as he fell asleep. Dan walked off to his own room and got ready for bed before nodding off.

Dan awoke the next morning to the feeling of a toddler jumping on his stomach.

"C'mon! C'mon! It's time to get up! You're taking too long!" Phil shouted and Dan stared slightly, noticing that Phil was still a child.

"Phil? You're still-"

Dan suddenly shot up in bed, a full-grown Phil shaking him awake.

"C'mon, lazy bones. Get up. We have a meeting at the-"

Dan tackled Phil in a hug suddenly.

"Whats going on?"

"You weren't, per say, turned into a toddler, were you?" Dan asked.

"Dan," Phil said slowly, "are you drunk? You can tell me if you are."

"No, I just- I had the weirdest dream." 

Phil rolled his eyes, "You're a dork."

Dan grinned, studying his hand, which had no sign of a plaster or cut. "Whatever you say, lion."

. . . 


I don't know what to say. 

Umm, oh yeah, we played Ultimate Frisbee in Heath and Fitness (the exercise class I have to take >n<) and I'm very clumsy so my best friend (our team leader) told me to not get hurt and that was my job but the teacher joined in my team because we were totally losing and we only had five minutes left anyway and he threw the frisbee to me and it hit me in the chest, bounced off, and hit the ground bUT I DIDN"T GET THAT HURT SO... 

New D&PGames vid yes. It was great. 


Also I watched Spirited Away as a kid and I don't remeber and I want to go back and watch it and see all the Studio Ghibli stuff but its not on Netflix!

I'm probably gonna be elected for literary council again this year when we vote. (I was on it last year. We don't even campaign or anything, people just submit us and a bunch of people tried to submit my best friend and I???)

 I'm still working on watching FairyTale. Good stuff. 

There was something else but I forgot!

Welp, I'm off! 

"Phil Lester, you're a genius!" -DANIEL JAMES HOWELL (he's right)

I love you all! I believe in yoooouuu!!

-Nerdie ^-^

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