Awkward Flower Crowns

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Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil of freakin' course. 

Description: Dan is being flirted with by some stranger and Phil jumps in pretending to be Dan's best friend to Dan's relief. 

. . .

"Hey, baby, why don't you smile at me?" the guy flirted. Really? He didn't even know the man's name and yet he was flirting. "You got a number?"

Dan stared at his drink awkwardly, refusing to respond. He adjusted his flower crown awkwardly and blushed.

"What's your name?"

"There you are!" he heard a voice say. He turned to be met with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes and the man who owned them. He had messy black hair with a blue fringe and wore a purple Gengar shirt, black skinny jeans, and a leather jacket. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" He stared at Dan with a 'just go with it' look.

"Uh, yeah," Dan muttered.

"Can't believe you ditched me like that! Your mom called! She's totally worried. Something about your sister. Apparently, she couldn't reach you."

"Who are you?"

"His best friend. What's it to you? Anyway, c'mon, we gotta get going." The blue-haired man grabbed Dan's wrist and pulled him out of the bar. The two walked down the street side-by-side.

"W-who are you?"

"Oh," the man laughed, "sorry, my name's Phil."

"Why'd you do that?"

"You looked extremely awkward and embarrassed. So, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Dan. Welp, I guess we're best friends now."

"You don't have-"

"No, you seem pretty cool. May I have your number so we can hang out again?"

"I-I guess but maybe next time we can just watch some anime or something?"

Phil laughed, "Yeah, that sounds good."

The two exchanged numbers and went their separate ways. 

. . . 


Hey! I didn't take a billion years to update! Actually, I have a lot less trouble updating this story than my others so yeah. 

Also, I forgot to say, freakin' Heathens! Yes, yes, yes, that's all I have to say just yes. I relate so much. 

I'm working on the next chapter now so yay but I should be studying for Driver's ed. Oh well! 

"Yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today's Tuesday, too!" -Sam Winchester (SPN) 

You all are wonderful human beings who are adorable and amazing in their own ways! I love you all! 

-Nerdie <3

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