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Okay so this is basically a classic 2009/kik oneshot and its really early (2:48 AM) so I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense. 

TW: None actually just lots of fluffy goodness. 

. . .

PhilTheLion: You have been noticed

[Dan]: What?? Who's this??

PhilTheLion: My name's Phil. You responded to my tweet. :)

[Dan]: Huh?

PhilTheLion: Yeah, I think your exact words were 'Notice me, Senpai!!' And then your kik was there soooo

[Dan]: wait a minute- Phil? As in AmazingPhil?? As in my youtube Senpai??? 

PhilTheLion: apparently so

[Dan]: brb I'm dying

PhilTheLion: Nooo don't do that. I'm bored.

[Dan]: asdfghjkl

PhilTheLion: Well, someone's a little excited ;)

[Dan]: Did you just...

PhilTheLion: Maybe. I'm bored. Entertain me, peasant.

[Dan]: Wow okay r00d

PhilTheLion: What music do you like?

PhilTheLion: This is an important question.

[Dan]: Uh, Muse, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the disco, and My Chemical Romance

PhilTheLion: No way! Those are my favorite bands! :DDD

[Dan]: So, have I passed?

PhilTheLion: I suppose

*Time skip, 3 months*

[Dan]: Hi, Phil

PhilTheLion: Hello, Daniel

[Dan]: Don't call me that 

PhilTheLion: Too late, Daniel :D

PhilTheLion: Daniel 

PhilTheLion: Daniel

PhilTheLion: Danyul

[Dan]: Stop spamming me

PhilTheLion: Too late :3

PhilTheLion: Danyul

[Dan]: Stahp

[Dan]: I'm in class

PhilTheLion: Why didn't you tell me?!

PhilTheLion: Omg, you're going to get in trouble

[Dan]: I won't if you stop messaging me

PhilTheLion: I forgot that you're a smol child

[Dan]: No!

PhilTheLion: You're just a little cinnamon roll trying to roll his way through life

[Dan]: wtf

PhilTheLion: I dunno

PhilTheLion: Wait

PhilTheLion: Why did you message me if you're in class??

[Dan]: I'm bored

PhilTheLion: We should meet up

[Dan]: WHAT?!

PhilTheLion: Sorry

PhilTheLion: We don't have to

[Dan]: No! That'd be amazing

PhilTheLion: Well, I am AmazingPhil

[Dan]: You shut up. That physically hurt me

PhilTheLion: So, if you want to meet up... when should it happen

The two quickly planned out the meeting but Dan had to leave to get to his next class after a few minutes.

*TimeSkip to meeting*

[Dan]: Phil

PhilTheLion: Dan

[Dan]: We're actually going to meet

PhilTheLion: Yep

[Dan]: I'm on the train

[Dan]: Only a few minutes

[Dan]: I'm scared

PhilTheLion: Don't be, I'll be there

. . .

Phil nervously tapped his fingers on his leg as he waited at the station. He was so excited. He was going to do it. He was going to tell Dan how he felt about him and he was going to meet Dan.

A train pulled into the station. Dan had described himself to Phil several times on the train and he'd seen pictures and the two had Skyped but the pixelated camera gave Dan no justice. Phil's breath was taken away from him as he locked eyes with the brown eyed man.

He ran over to Dan and lifted him up, spinning him around in a hug before setting the younger man down.

"Hi," Dan breathed.

"Hello, there," Phil giggled.

Dan reached out and let his fingers brush Phil's jaw, "You're so real."

"I like to think so, yes."

Dan smacked Phil's arm, "Oh, ha ha, very funny."

"C'mon. Let's get going!" Phil said grabbing Dan's hand. So he wouldn't lose him, of course.

"Okay!" Dan said as he grabbed his suitcase.

. . .

"Dan?" Phil asked after the two had settled down on the couch at Phil's flat.


"Um, erm, uh, are- are you, er, straight?"

Dan froze and pondered Phil's question before responding truthfully, "N-no, I'm bi."

"Oh," Phil said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Uh, Dan?"


"I- I think I have a crush on you."

"Really?" Dan asked excitedly.


"Phil! I've had a crush on you forever!"



"Dan? May I kiss you?"

Dan leaned forward in response and their lips met sending fireworks through their bodies.

Little did they know that this was the beginning of an era. An era filled with Phan and Philisnotonfire and baking videos and cat whiskers and books and fans and it all started with one meeting in 2009. 

. . .


Hello, my lovelies. I'm really sorry if something doesn't make sense or its random, it's 3 AM. I keep typing stuff wrong and then when I go back to fix it I type the same thing. -_- I probably typed cat whispers instead of cat whiskers about ten times when trying to correct myself.  

*Yawns* I'll post a longer AN on a different one. I thought about pranking you all but It's too early so just have an update. I'm usually not this tired at 3 AM but I was cleaning today so I feel ready to collapse. Watch out for the pranks today. I wish you all the best of luck. *Curls up on bed* 

Love you all! 


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