I think that's kinda obvious, princess

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Okay, so the beginning of this is semi based off of what happened at school on Friday in which my teacher made me switch seats with a boy who'd talked too much with his friends and that was the only class I got to sit next to my best friend in! D:

Punk!Phil and Pastel!Dan because yes also Punk!Chris and Pastel!PJ

TW: I don't think there's any. If you see something please say! ^-^

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Dan scurried out of his first period exercise class to the locker room to quickly change before his next class. He changed into his oversized mint sweater (a choice in clothes he was regretting), white pants, and galaxy shoes and he grabbed his flower crown before running off to English. His face was probably flushed and he probably didn't smell too great but he brushed it off, not wanting to be late for class.

He speed walked towards his seat before his eyes were met with a red and blue messy haired Chris Kendall in it already. Chris was dressed in his usual Fall Out Boy t-shirt, black jeans, and leather jacket and was casually leaned back in the chair. He grinned at Dan.

Dan turned to his friend PJ confusedly. PJ was dressed in a manner similar to Dan but with a blue sweater.

"Sorry, Dan," Peej said. "The teacher made you switch seats with Chris."

Dan nodded, winking at PJ, "Okay, thanks, Peej."

He stalked off towards Chris' normal set which just so happened to be next to Phil Lester, who happened to be Dan's crush. Phil's black and blue hair was in its usual messy state and his blue eyes glittered when he smiled slightly at Dan, causing Dan's heart to melt.

PJ winked at Dan when Dan looked over causing Dan to glare at him.

"Good morning, class!" their teacher, Mr. Brooks, exclaimed. Mr. Brooks was a genuinely cool teacher and was actually pretty fun but Dan glared at the teacher, who was normally his favorite, for moving him away from his friend. "Today, we're going to start on a new project! You and your partner will choose a piece of literature that we read this year and you'll do a project on it."

"Do we get to choose our partner?" Louise, one of Dan's other friends, questioned.

"No, you'll be working next to the person seated next to you."

The class groaned in irritation but this made Dan panic slightly. Paired up with his crush? Really? Why did he have to be moved today? He blushed wildly at the thought of having to work with Phil.

Dan turned his head and realised that Phil hadn't said a word about the arrangement. He hadn't even complained about having to work with Dan.

"Oh come on now, let's not complain," Mr. Brooks said. "Your piece of literature must be approved by me if it's not something we've read this year and the project type must be approved. It'll be due in three weeks time. Okay, get started. You'll have the rest of class to work." 

Dan turned to Phil, blushing slightly, as Mr. Brooks strolled back to his desk.

"So, erm, what piece of literature would you like to do?" Dan muttered.

Phil shrugged happily, "We could do To Kill a Mockingbird or Romeo and Juliet or The Book Thief? I loved all the books from this year to be honest." (AN: wHOOPS! Phil is the punk version of me now! Oh well!)

"I did, too," Dan muttered. "We shouldn't do Romeo and Juliet. I mean, they only knew each other for like ten minutes before deciding they were in love. I believe in love at first sight and everything but I do think it was a little more lust. I mean, they were like fourteen."

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