Thunderstorms and Darkness

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Woo! Double update! Okay so background for the chapter: The prompt that this came from is above so I thank whoever wrote that. Also, its Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil AU cause those are my favorites. 

Triggers: N/A

. . .

Dan had recently moved into a new apartment all alone. The pastel was actually quite scared of having to be alone constantly. The only neighbors that he'd met had been very rude so he continued to lug boxes into the elevator and to his apartment.

"Hi," he said to a punk looking man as he entered the elevator with his last box. The man had black hair not cut too differently from his own but swept the opposite direction and a blue fringe. The man also had blue which had yellow specs in them. He wore a leather jacket, black jeans, and combat boots. All-in-all his outfit differed from Dan's pastel blue jumper over a white button up shirt, pastel pink jeans, along with the same color shoes and a blue flower crown.

"Sup," the man responded as Dan fixed his flower crown. "You new to the building?"

"Yep, just moving in today," Dan chirped as the two got off at his floor and began to walk down the hall.

"Cool, well, welcome to the building. I'll see you around, I guess," said the man as he walked into the apartment across from Dan.

. . .

So far everything had gone perfectly. Dan had managed to settle into his apartment on the first day and hardly forgot anything back at his parents' but he supposed that it meant that something would happen.

On his third day in the apartment, Dan had only said hello to the stranger, who he learned was named Phil, a few times. Late that night, Dan was scrolling through Tumblr as always when he heard thunder causing him to jump. Dan was scared of storms so he curled up and tried to ignore it.

Until the power went out. Dan screamed. A storm and the power goes out, this was practically Dan's worse nightmare. All he needed now was for a moth to fly at him. There was another boom of thunder and he grabbed the blanket and scrambled out the door and across the hall.

Before he realised what was happening, he'd knock on Phil's door. He silently cursed himself as the punk answered.


"I-uh-uhm, see, erm," Dan let out another terrified shriek as the thunder crashed again.

"Are you scared of the storm?" Phil asked, looking slightly worried.

"N-no, I-I just need to..." Dan trailed off for a moment, "need to borrow some sugar. Yeah."

Phil smirked lightly, "Yeah, sure. C'mon then." Dan followed Phil into his apartment which was decorated not too differently from his own. "Here," Phil said, handing Dan the sugar but as the thunder boomed and Dan jumped he realised that going home would mean that he would be alone, in the dark, as it stormed.

"I, uh, ummmm," Dan stuttered searching for an excuse. "A-actually, I don't think I should go back."


"Th-there's a, uh, ferocious-looking, um, moth in my bedroom and, uh, I can't kill it."

"Why not?"

"Why not? Well, erm, I-I can't approach it. I, uh, think it's poisonous."

"A moth?"

"Y-yeah, so, I'll, uh, just have to stay here for the night."

"Are you sure that it's not because of the storm?"

"Of course, I'm sure!"

Phil smirked at Dan, "Okie dokie, well, it seems that we'll have to be sharing a bed because I do not have a guest room. Unless you want to go back to the moth?"

"N-no! That's, uh, fine. I don't... I don't mind."

"Okay, follow me then."

Dan set the sugar back on the counter and the two walked towards Phil's room where they both laid down and fell asleep. 

. . .


Okay, soooo I REALLY want to thank Shelby_Binz who's basically exploded my phone as I was writing this chapter with all of the comments that they left on the last chapters. I loved responding to them! Seriously, every two seconds Wattpad went 'you have a new notification!' but seriously, you're epic and I loved the feedback. So, I'm gonna dedicate this chapter to them. Thank you!! <3 

All of the votes and comments that I get on any of my stories make me smile and really help so that I know that people like them because writing is what I want to do when I get older. Thank you!! I love you guys!

-Nerdie <3

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