Midnight Questions

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Prompt above ^.^ 

. . . 

"Hey, Dan?" Phil asked his boyfriend.

"What, Phil?" Dan said slightly irritated because it was, indeed, 4 AM.

"Why do you think we never see baby pigeons?"

"Oh my gosh, Phil, go to sleep," Dan groaned.

"Dan, why do you think the plural of moose isn't meese?"

"Because it isn't go to sleep."

"But, Dan-"

Phil was then interrupted by a pillow to the face, "I said, it's 4 AM, I'm trying to sleep."

Phil grinned, "Goodnight, Dan."

"Goodnight, Phil." 

. . . 


Some cute little fluff for you all! 

Guess who's birthday is Wensday! ^.^ I'll be 15. Yay!

Did anyone catch Dan and Phil's liveshow? I didn't. I missed it but I'm sure it was lovely. 

I want to recommend something! Its a Youtube vid. called Ship Yourself by RobertIDK and just yes, okay. Its a parody of Love Yourself but I prefer it to the actual song. 

Okay, I should probably get back to my math hw or studying for all the exams I have next week.   -_- 

"Nerds, like us, are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff. Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like, jump-up-and-down-in-your-chair-can't-control-yourself love it. When people call people nerds, mostly what their saying is "you like stuff." which is not a good insult at all. Like you're too enthusiastic about the miracle of human conciousness." -John Green 

Love you all! (>^.^)> 


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