Cars and Coffee Pt. 2

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"H-hi," Dan muttered, looking slightly star-struck.

"So, you want a coffee?" Phil asked.

"No, I, uh, already have one," Dan said motioning to his cup.

"Aw, I wanted to buy you one."

Em rolled her eyes at the two, "May I get you something?"

"A coffee, please," Phil asked.

"Coming right up."

"Wait, I need to-" Phil reached for his wallet.

Em held up a hand, "No worries. It's on the house. You're a friend of Dan." Em rushed off to make it while Dan and Phil found some seats.

"What are these?" Phil asked, pointing to the box.

"Oh, they're Em's new malteaser cupcakes. She wanted me to try one and of course it was amazing so she gave me the rest. Want one?" Dan said, quickly.

Phil accepted the cupcake, "Who's Em?"

"I am!" Em chirped, handing Phil his drink.

"Oh, thanks for the drink."

"No problem. I hope you like the cupcake." The girl rushed off to serve another customer.

"How do you know her?" Phil said, slightly jealous.

"She's my sister," Dan said sipping his own coffee, not noticing. Phil relaxed.

"That must be cool."

"I guess." The two lapsed into silence before Dan suddenly exploded with excitement, "Okay, how am I so calm?!"


"You're AmazingPhil!"

Phil laughed slightly, covering his mouth.

"I can't believe I, Dan Howell, am having coffee with the one and only AmazingPhil!"

Phil smiled, "So you know my profession?"

"Do I? I'm only Phil Trash number 1!" Dan slammed his hand over his mouth,

Phil laughed good naturedly, not making fun of Dan. "So what's your profession?"

Dan made a face, "I'm a lawyer."

"Oh? You don't seem to like it."

"It's okay. I brings in the money," Dan said, shrugging.

Phil frowned, "Are you happy with the job?"

"I'm good at it."

"I didn't ask that. I asked if you were happy."

"Not really. I used to want to be an actor but," Dan just shrugged. "I wanted to do Youtube for a bit but I don't think I'd be good."

"You should, you'd be great at Youtube!"

"I don't-"

"Aw, c'mon, you'd be wonderful. I mean, we just met but you seem like you have stories to tell. You'd be great."

Dan blushed.

"I'm sure your sister would agree. Em!"

Em held up her pointer finger and handed over a coffee to someone before skipping over, two coffees in hand. "I thought your drinks would be cold," she said, setting them down. "What's up?"

"I'm trying to convince Dan to start Youtube."

"I wish you the best of luck. I've been trying to convince him for ages."

"See! Even your sister thinks you should."

"It'd be bad quality and-"

"Okay, now you're just making up excuses. C'mon! I'll let you use my camera! And then we can make a video together!" Phil jumped up and grabbed Dan's hand. Phil dragged Dan up from his seat. "Bye, Em!" Phil said.

Em rolled her eyes, "Bye, you two. I'll see you later." She waved before turning back to her baking.

"Bye!" Dan said as he grabbed his cupcakes and was dragged out of the store.

Phil opened his car door for Dan who got in and then his ran over to the other side and jumped in. Phil started the car and they started driving back to Phil's flat.

"Phil? Why were you at my office anyway?" Dan asked curiously.

Phil blushed slightly, "Well, I had a lawyer for all of my lawyer-y stuff but they went into retirement and so I went to see if I could get another."

"Oh? I could be your lawyer."

"No, you don't like it."

Dan laughed, "Fair enough. I'm always saying literally and other stuff but apparently I'm good."

"Oh my gosh, I would kill to see that," Phil laughed.

"No you wouldn't, you're too much of a smol bean."

"Oh yeah?" Phil paused for a moment before looking very proud of himself, "Well, you're a tol meme."

"Can you not? Omg."

"Did you just say omg out loud?"

"Yes, don't hate, relate."

Phil laughed, "I knew you were a flippin' meme."

Dan laughed, "Flippin'."

"Don't make fun of the way I talk. Cursing is bad."

"Oh c'mon. Just say f-."

"No!" Phil yelped, covering Dan's mouth with his hand.

The two suddenly realized how close they were. They both blushed but they couldn't seem to tear their gaze away from each other.

They had no idea who moved forward, when asked later they'd say it was the other, but suddenly they were kissing.  

. . .


GUYS! Okay, so I'm actually not too deep in the MCR fandom and I started listening to their music after they broke up but I believe what makes a fan is liking what they do and being supportive so yes. I'm a huge fan and can I just say MCRX?! I almost started crying when I watched the video. 

*whispers* I've become Sabriel trash help

Also!(Shameless self promotion) Please check out my new story Despondent Heart! *whispers* its not fanfiction. *gasps* Its an 'original' (I hate saying that) story about Jenny Bell who live in a world in which tattoos appear on people to mark important things. The first chapter is up and I'm really proud of it. So go check it out if that's your thing (it focuses a bit more on Jenny and her family and friends, the tattoo thing is a bit of a background thing). 

ANYWHO! I should go and write or probably work on my summer hw so later gators! (I need help.) 

"You are a human with one life, and its up to you to make it the best life you can" -Dan Howell

Love you all and I hope your dreams come true (cheesy, I know)

-Nerdie ^-^

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