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Yes, I am aware that it's no where near Christmas. Go away. 

TW: None

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Phil had an idea, maybe a stupid idea but an idea. Christmas was in a week so he put up so much mistletoe that you couldn't walk two feet before being underneath one. He and Dan had to meet eventually, right? 

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Phil swore Dan knew about the mistletoe. It was Christmas eve and the two had yet to be under the mistletoe at the same time. He was getting annoyed now. 

"Are you getting tea?" Dan shouted from the other room. 


"May I have some?" 



Phil rolled his eyes and finished making the tea. He poured the tea into two mugs and brought them into the lounge. Dan, for once, wasn't sitting in his sofa crease. He was seated at the table directly under some mistletoe working on a video. 

Phil cheered in the inside. He stood close to Dan causing his friend to look up at him. 

"Thank you." 

Phil glanced up at the mistletoe causing Dan to look up as well. Dan's face flushed a bright red. 

"You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable," Phil said, smirking. 

"It's fine," Dan muttered, blushing harder. 

"Are you sure?" 

Dan nodded, bashfully. 

They both leaned forward and their lips met and they both smiled blissfully as they pulled away. 

. .  . .


OKAY! Hello, hi, not dead. Actually, I don't remeber if I've posted recently so here. Anyway, I just wanted to post this to tell you all that I have like 40 ((jk its actually like 4 but still)) oneshots coming including a little Greek mythology-ish one and one with baby Almmy. (((I'm really excited for that one))) 

Also! I finally got around to reading a book series that my brother's girlfriend got me for Christmas called the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod and I quite like it so far. 

ALSO HAPPY LATE VALENTINE"S DAY! I know, I should've posted a fluffy oneshot on Valentine's day because I'm a fanfic writer and it's kinda my holiday or whatever but it snuck up on me so yeah. I didn't have a Valentine BUT the super duper sweet librarians I work with (due to literary council) gave my friends and I candy for Valentine's day because they're adorable sweeties. 

Also I made a new character and she's adorable and her name is Pheonix. She's really cute and stuff but she's also a dragon trainer and can take anyone down don't even try (what a cutie, am I right?) Anyway, you guys MIGHT get a glimpse of her if I add her into a oneshot. Also, I don't think I'm gonna give her a boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm thinking about people ust saying "don't you have a nice strong boyfriend or girlfriend to save you" and she's just like "no go away" 

That's all for now. 

Okay I was gonna put an Andy Hurley quote here but I have to leave so I might put one late if not I'll just look stupid. 

I love you guys SO MUCH and I love all the sweet comments you post. If you guys didn't have Valentines then I shall be your late Valentine and I love you guys <3


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