Guardian Angel

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Description: Guardian angel AU with a twist. Pastel!GaurdianAngel!Dan and Punk!Phil

Also get some snacks and maybe a blanket, this was gonna be even longer but I decided that it wasn't nessesary

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Phil stepped off the curb only to have someone grab his arm and pull him back as a car seemingly came out of nowhere and zoomed past. He turned around to find out who had saved him but no one was around. He sighed, slightly annoyed. It wasn't like he was trying to get himself killed or hurt but every time he would almost get hurt something would save him and he couldn't understand why or how because no one was ever around.

"Okay, I don't know who or what is following me but could you please show yourself?" He muttered to himself, shoving his hands into his leather jacket.

He huffed in annoyance as a few moments passed and nothing happened. "Right."

. .  . .

Phil lay back on the roof of his family's little home, letting out a calm sigh. He felt slightly at peace as he listened to the crickets chirp in the background. He glanced down at his phone which brightly glared the late time at him which caused him to slowly stand and prepare to go back in through the window of his room.

Suddenly, his foot slipped, throwing him off balance, and he fell, barely catching himself on the edge of the roof with the tips of his fingers.

"Come on, mysterious force. I could really use you right about now," he muttered, managing to grab the roof with his other hand.

"I knew you were gonna fall off this roof one day, you absolute muppet," an unfamiliar voice said. Phil almost let go in surprise as someone's arms wrapped around him. He was tugged upward and was set back in his room next to the window.

Phil turned around and for once someone was there! His jaw dropped in surprise at the boy in front of him.

The boy looked about Phil's age, if not a little younger. He was dressed in an oversized lavender sweater, white jeans, and converse. He had a lavender flower crown resting on his brown curls and had brown eyes. The most surprising thing was the huge black wings that extended from his back.

"Y-you- um- uh-"

"What? You're not gonna go into shock because the 'mysterious force' saved you, are you? You literally asked for it," the boy said, crossing his arms. "And what are you looking at because I know you can't see me."

"I can see you!"

The boy turned and looked behind him before whirling back around, looking paler than before. "You can see me?"

Phil nodded and suddenly the boy disappeared. "No, wait! Don't go!" Phil shouted.

"Shhh!" the boy said, appearing again and clamping his hand over Phil's mouth. "Your mum's home. No one can know about me. You weren't even supposed to and you're my charge."

The boy disappeared again causing his hand to leave Phil's mouth as the door swung open.

"Are you talking to someone in here?" his mother asked from the doorway.

"Erm, no, Mum. I was just watching something." 

"Okay. Did something fall earlier?"

"Er, yeah, I just dropped something. Don't worry."

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