You Have Me

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Prompt: "I can't breathe" from ships4you on tumblr

TWs: violence, mentions of abuse, panic attack (not specifically mentioned as a panic attack), blood

. .  . .

Dan and Phil were off on a walk in the park. Not for any specific reason, it was just one of those days when a quiet walk in the park was needed.

Their fingers were interlocked as the walked side-by-side, both with light smiles.

Suddenly, Dan ran right into someone causing him to topple backwards and land on his butt.

"My my my, look who we have here. If it isn't Dan Howell," the tall man said,  not moving to help Dan up at all.

Dan breathed in sharply at the man who towered over him. He scrambled to his feet.

"What? Cat got your tongue? C'mon, Danny, I know you remember me," the man said, smirking.

Phil noticed the heavy tension in the air and stepped between the two.

"Uh, hi. I'm Dan's boyfriend, Phil," Phil said, holding out his hand for the unknown man to shake.

The man raised an eyebrow,  "My name's Lewis. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."

Phil scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"I'm Dan's ex."

"Sorry doesn't ring a bell," Phil said, wondering why he'd never heard about him but he quickly decided to ignore it after realizing that Dan was shaking slightly. "Anyway, nice meeting you but we have some place to be. Goodbye." Phil grabbed Dan's wrist and moved to leave.

"So soon?" Lewis asked grabbing Dan's other wrist and pulling him back. "I was hoping to speak with Dan alone."

Dan glanced over to Phil, scared.

"Sorry," Phil said, getting the message. "But we really must get going."

Before Phil could say another goodbye, Lewis swung his fist, hitting Phil on the nose with a sickening crack. Dan gasped.

"What the heck?!" Phil exclaimed, using his free hand to reach up and check his nose which definitely had blood dripping from it.

"I said I wanted to have a chat with Dan," Lewis said through clenched teeth.

"No," Phil snapped, shoving the man backwards, grabbing Dan's wrist, and running off.

"I can't believe you did that," Dan muttered when they finally stopped. "He's going to kill us."

"Dan, who was that?" Phil asked. 

Dan's breathing became more rapid. "We're so dead."

"Okay, calm down. It's okay you're safe."


"Focus on me," Phil muttered.

"I can't," Dan gasped, helplessly. "I can't breathe. He hurt you. He's gonna kill us."

"He won't. Look, I'm okay. See?" Phil asked showing Dan his nose which was still dripping with blood. "Just a scratch. I'm fine. I need you to breathe for me."

"I can't."

"You can. Focus on me. Breathe as I breathe." Phil breathed in slowly before left in it out after a few seconds. He repeated the action several times as Dan copied him.

"Can you breathe now?"

Dan nodded slowly.

"Okay, good. Can you explain to me what happened?"

"That was my ex boyfriend," Dan explained.

Phil nodded, encouraging Dan to continue.

Dan breathed in sharply, "He was abusive and he scared me."

Phil's eyes widened, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought I was safe and it never came up. He got sent to jail after I finally called the cops on him."

Phil nodded. "Well, you are still safe. Even if he is out of jail."

Dan looked at Phil, confused.

"You have me," Phil explained.

. .  . .


Hey, hey, hey, I'm not dead! Honestly, I haven't had too much time to write because I'm spending more time at my Aunt's than at home (3 days home and 4 days at her house every week) but I've been having a ton of fun working on the farm which is great. (I have been really active on tumblr though)

We decided to call this summer the summer of firsts because my brother and I know nothing apparently.  I tried Starbucks for the first time a few days ago.

We're going to critter-palooza in two weeks which should be fun

I got my brother and aunt hooked on supernatural so I've been researching it with them (they're bear the end of the second season)

Anyway, I think that's it. I'm off. Later gators.

"The world is an amazing place, look at it instead of your flaws" -Phil Lester

I love you all so so so so much! You're all so sweet and you're comments make me so happy! You can always come to be for anything!


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