Chapter 10.

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"Ahh! Great now! Cry! All you weak people know is to cry! What you get, sympathy?" He mocked me and left the room in frustration.

I furiously wiped my tears and stood up.

"You're wrong Manik Malhotra! I'm not weak! I'll fight! Fight for myself against you!" I said determined and with fury in my eyes.

I walked out of the room and decided to spend some time with Navya. Since the time she is here I've spent most of my time with her and I love it! She's smart, witty, ferocious and also confident about what she does or says. I so wish I could be like her.

Sometimes I feel jealous of her. She has got everything! She's got Cabir who loves her way too much and now there's gonna be a new addition in their family. She's happy. She's content. And I wish her to be happy always.

And me? I've got nothing! I'm the most unluckiest girl! I have no family. My parents who adopted me were going to sell me for money. I have no friends. And now I got kidnapped by a Mafia who is just obsessed with me.

He just wants to claim me his and nothing else. For him I'm just a 'thing' that he achieved forcefully and now wants the world to know that I belong to him and only him.


I'm tired of all this. Tired of fighting all alone.

"Nandini!" Navya's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look up and see her face which was now trying to examine me.

"Are you okay?" She asked and i nodded with a smile.

"Okay so lets go!" She said and we were going to leave when a voice boomed.

"Fucking hell I care about that!" We both looked stunned at the scene.

Manik was barking on the phone and looked very furious. Anyone who would come in his way right now would be dead.

He hung the phone angrily and then his attention turned towards us who were gawking at him without blinking.

"What?" He barked again and we jumped on our places.

I looked away but looks like Navya had some other plans.

"What what?" She said angrily and this made him more angry.

But before he could say something Navya beat him by continuing.

"What do you think this is? A barking house? Where you will keep barking whenever you want? Tone down your volume Mister! I don't want any noise in this house!" She looked pretty furious and I looked at her wide eyed.

And what?

Manik Malhotra?

He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it when he could find nothing to say. He looked pretty funny that I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

But wrong move!

His eyes darted to me and he glared at me. I tried to be Navya and glared back but this only made him more furious.

He took a threatening step towards me and all my resolve to be like Navya dissolved as I hid behind her.

"Stay there! One more step and I'll kick you in your balls!" Navya warned and Manik's eyes widened.

Whoa! Looks like her mood swings have already started.

But then we heard a roar of laughter from behind and as we turned we saw Cabir bhai laughing his senses out.

"Cabir!" Manik gritted.

"Oh! Oh my god! Look at your face Manik! You were scared when Navya threatened you to kick your balls!" He said and again started laughing.

Manik walked towards him and threw a punch on his stomach.

"Oh fuck!" Cabir bhai's laughter died as he groaned in pain.

"Serves you right!" Manik gave him a tight smile and left the place but not before giving me one last glare.

I immediately ran to him and sat beside him.

"Is it paining?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm okay Nandini!" He smiled.

"This is normal Nandini! I've seen worse!" Navya spoke and rolled her eyes.

Bhai only chuckled as he stood up.

"You'll see much more!" He winked at her making her blush.

Aww! They looked so cute!

"Wait! What are you doing here? I asked you to rest!" Bhai frowned.

"Cabir I don't want to rest!" Navya whined making me chuckle.

"No more arguments!" He glared at her and picked her up in his arms in a bridal style.

Navya whined more while he took her to their room fighting all the way.

"See you later Nandini!" Bhai yelled making me smile.

"So enjoyed the show?" A husky voice spoke in my ear making me yelp.

I tried to get away but he held me back by snaking his hand around my stomach.

"You were looking very happy when I was being disrespected huh?" He whispered in my ears making me gulp.

His grip was tightening making me feel the pain.

"Navya is pregnant and has mood swings! But don't think I will tolerate this from you Rose! You don't get to disrespect me!" He said darkly and I hissed as he digged his nails in my waist.

"Do you understand Rose!" He demanded answer and I had no option but to give him one.

"Yes!" I swallowed the pain and disgust that passed through me as he bit my earlobe.

"Good!" He smirked and left.

I had promised I won't cry so I didn't!

I won't shed a tear Manik Malhotra!

And that's a Nandini Murthy promise!

Later that night as I was in his room gettimg ready to sleep he barged in furiously and slammed the door shut.

Fear coursed through me but I didn't let it show in my face. I didn't speak anything as it may worsen his anger.

"That fucker is playing games with me!" He yelled and I winced at the amount of venom that laced through it.

Running a frustrated hand through his already messy hair he walked to and fro in the room. I decided to be the silent spectator and watched him.

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow will be his last day! Get ready to face your death James!" He smirked.

I couldn't help but develop the only emotion towards him - Hate. I hate him to the core.

Why did he have to be a killer?

Why can't he leave all this?

Why can't he live a normal life?"

"BECAUSE I CAN'T!" He roared and I jumped on my place as I looked at him with wide eyes and see him raging.

Shit! I said that aloud!


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