Oh Casey You Sly Little Bitch

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November 10, 2012

Dear Diary,

         Fun fact for ya, my mom and dad are going to our neighbor’s house tonight, and Jake’s mom is taking care of her friend’s two year old tonight. Hmmm… now what will happen? I must do something right? Of course I know! I’ll study my new Spanish vocab and get ahead of the class! NOT! Fuck that XD Peace out Jake’ll be here any minute. We’re going out to dinner then a movie. So yeah tata for now J (When did I become British?)

November 11, 2012

Dear Diary,

         Okay I pick the next movie Jake and I go see. Seriously two bad movies in a row! LOL boys are terrible movie pickers! It’s not like it was stupid ‘boy humor’ or anything, it was just well… bad lol. After the movie we went on rottontomatoes.com it has 45% wow haha. But other than the bad movie, the date was really nice J Jake saved up for a while, so that he could take me somewhere nice for dinner. I got all dressed up too. I wore a short-ish, tan dress with roses all over it, black high-heeled boots, and lots of makeup (I always wanted a reason to dress up like that!). Jake wore a handsome blazer J His hair was still a mess, but that’s how I like it (I wouldn’t recognize him otherwise :P) He was so cute! He held doors open for me and he let me borrow his jacket when we were walking around (what was I thinking wearing a spaghetti strap dress in November?) Is it bad that I’m having a lot of fun sneaking around my parents to see Jake? I felt so sneaky when I got home right before my parents, so I could get changed into pajamas! Well I should probably stop writing, because otherwise I would write 5 pages about our date. Despite all the shit that’s happened so far this year, I must admit I’m a lucky girl <3 

November 13, 2012

Dear Diary,

         I’m so lucky my parents aren’t too observant. They still haven’t figured out about Jake and me J CASEY on the other hand has a 6th sense or something! I swear, she has evil powers! Today in Math (while I was sneaking out to meet Jake at the skylight), she just showed up out of nowhere and asked me if where I was going! I gave her every excuse in the book, but she still wouldn’t leave because I wasn’t ‘telling the truth’. She is so damn stubborn! Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and I just let her follow me (she’s my best friend it’s not the end of the world if she sees me with Jake). When I got to the skylight area I found Jake waiting for me. He ran up and was about to kiss me, but froze when he saw Casey. She couldn’t believe what she saw. It was really funny actually. She looked like she was going to slap Jake. She walked up to him and started yelling at him things like, “You bastard who do you think you are!?” and “ You think you can just kiss her after breaking her heart!?” It took her a while of Jake and Me just smiling at her for her to realize what was going on. Don’t get me wrong I love her to death and she’s incredibly loyal, but she’s not the brightest XD. When she realized what was going on, she went through different stages of emotions. 1. Extreme embarrassment (her face was so red) 2. Slight confusion 3. Anger. She didn’t seem to understand why we couldn’t tell anyone about us. It took us a while to explain, and once we did she covered her eyes and walked back to class saying, “I didn’t see anything.” (I could tell she was smiling). Like me, Casey is a hopeless romantic who enjoys a little adventure. I think we can trust her with our secret J

November 14, 2012

Dear Diary,

         I have officially discovered the most awkward situation in the world. And that my dearest diary is when you are getting hit on while you’re boyfriend watches from across the room. PLUS no one knows that you and your bf are still going out, so you have to fake interest with the guy hitting on you. I’m also not a fast thinker, so it took me forever to come up with a reason for rejecting him. I swear the whole time I could’ve passed for a tomato! I was so embarrassed! Jake looked like he was going to punch the other guy’s light out! After school I had to convince him that it meant nothing and I had no idea who the other guy is (still, for some reason him being jealous was really cute :3) But that was not really on my mind at the moment. Meanwhile I could see Casey almost dying from laughter in the desk diagonal from me. Remember how I said she was a loyal friend who loves romance and adventure? Yeah she’s also a really big fan of comedy -_-

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