Wow you are one of them

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Nevaeh's pov

"Hey get up" Alex yelled

I felt a pillow hit my face and I opened my eyes slowly. Alex was standing over me shirtless. I smiled at him and noticed I was nearly naked under the blankets.

"Why am I getting up?" I asked

"Because we have to get a shower and go pick my friend up he's getting out of jail today" He smiled

He disappeared into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. I pulled the covers off of me and walked into the bathroom. Alex was now naked and I tried not to stare. We had sex last night for the first time in a while. We're best friends but last night we got really high and when your high you wanna fuck more. Alex is sexy what can I say.

"Is your friend sexy like you?" I asked

"Yeah he's pretty cute" He chuckled

"Mhm you might have to get me on that" I said raising an eyebrow

"Oh yeah I thought your pussy was mine?"

"You wish"

I got inside the shower and started washing my body Alex pulled the door open and got inside letting the door slam behind him. He reached over and grabbed his axe and started washing his hair.

"Aw are you ignoring me?" I teased

"Go suck his dick" He joked

"Maybe I will depending on how big his dick is" I smirked

"Not bigger then mine" He whispered

We were waiting outside the jail. Alex had the air conditioning on full blast because this Texas heat sucked. Alex had basketball shorts on and a red tee with a hat on his long highlighted hair. His ankle bracelet was flashing red like it always does. He was on probation for a year and he's got a couple more months to go.

"My boy!" Alex called out

Alex couldn't open the door fast enough. He ran over to Austin and gave him a big hug. Austin was pretty hot. His hair was long and curly and he had ripped jeans on and a tee showing off his muscles. A big smile came across Austins face and he had one of the most beautiful smiles besides Alex.

They started walking back to the car and I looked down at myself hoping I looked hot. I had a low cut bodysuit on and some tight jeans that showed off my ass a little. He opened the back door and we met eyes. He smiled at me and I turned around.

"Gonna introduce me to your girl AC?" Austin asked

"Nevaeh? She isn't my girl but she isn't not my girl" He chuckled

"Nice to meet you Austin, I've been hearing about you all morning" I chuckled

"Oh yeah am I as great as AC says?" He said cocky

"Mhm I don't know yet" I smirked

I could feel him looking at me the whole ride back to Alex's. I don't know what we were gonna do but I know Alex has a pool and I'm looking forward to teasing Austin in a bikini. He has been locked up for less then a year and I'm sure he's been dying to see a girl.

We pulled into his driveway and nobody was home still. His brother is out with his girlfriend and his mom is probably gone with her husband. We got out of the car and Alex put his arm around me while we walked inside. I could see that Austin was a little intimidated by Alex. But he shouldn't be because all Alex and I are best friends who fuck sometimes. I wanna be fucking someone all the time.

"You guys up for a swim?" Alex asked

I smirked to myself because my plan was falling into place. I wanted to see how much of a dog Austin really was. I know Alex says he's a fuck boy but how bad? I climbed the stairs to Alex's room and he left me in their and went to give Austin some shorts.

I got all my clothes off and was trying to put my top on but I had to figure the strap in the back out. The door opened and I thought it was Alex but it was Austin. He stared at my boobs and licked his lips before he closed the door. My boobs were double D so they were something to look at and I swear you could see his dick twitch.

I got downstairs and Austin and Alex were standing their waiting for me. They were talking and I heard my name come up so I stopped and listened.

"Dam bro I didn't know Nevaeh was changing in your room I walked right in" He chuckled

"Oh shit for real?" He laughed

"Yeah she's got a nice rack" he groaned

"Dam right"

I could see the cocky smirk on Alex's face from here and I was starting to see where he got that cockiness from. Austin.

"God the things I'd do to her" He smirked

"The things I do do to her" Alex added

"Bro you hit that?" He said shocked

"I have and it's good real good"

"She's got a tight pussy don't she?"

"Hell yeah" Alex said licking his lips

"God dam" Austin commented

I walked into the kitchen and they stopped talking. Alex looked down at his drink while Austin just stared at me. I knew what they were talking about and he didn't think I knew. Austin already wants to fuck me wow he is a fuck boy.

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