Chapter 37

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"Shut the fuck up, all of you."

Louis looked surprised, but quickly sat down.

We were all hanging out backstage in the boys dressing area. Niall and I sat at the front by the door, everyone else was around the food table.

I was leaning on Niall, my hand wrapped around his waist.

"Shut up. I wanted to tell you guys something." I said looking over at Niall.

"Oh god." whispered Liam. "Is it about your health?"

I shook my head. "Yes, and no."

Liam looked confused but let me finish.

"I- we actually wanted to tell you guys that, we're gonna have a baby."

Louis didn't move a muscle. I really was expecting more from him.

"You're lying! Oh my god." Harry ran up to me and wrapped me up in his arms."

"That's amazing you guys." added Zayn.

"You do know Louis was kidding right?" commented Annette.

I laughed. "It sort of just happened."

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" asked Louis speaking for the first time.

Niall nodded. "Boys."

"Boys? As in more than one? You guys." shouted Harry.

"This is great." gushed Liam. "Our little family just keeps on growing."

"Three" said Naill smiling.

"Things are pretty crazy around here." I added.


"Niall." I whispered into the darkness.


"I know you're scared, so am I."

He exhaled deeply.

"I never imagined I'd be a father at such a young age, especially to twins. That's some crazy shit."

I nodded even though he couldn't see. "I know, everything is piling up at once."

He turned in bed to face me in the darkness. "But I'm glad I get to experience it all with you, I wouldn't wanna do this with anyone else."

I smiled. "And here I was just a regular teenager in high school. My life changed so much in a matter of a week. I met the craziest boys, got to live it up with them, I'm dating one of the hottest boys in the world, I'm having two babies with the hottest guy in existence. I even met my dad."

He laughed. "When you went away to school, I though for sure you were just trying to get away from me. That this wasn't what you wanted, I was scared for a while. I thought that I was going to lose you to some smartass college boy, that I wouldn't be enough."

I slowly pressed my hand to his cheek. "Niall. You're always going to be enough. I wouldn't change you for anything in the world."

He shook his head, "Sure, you say that now, but what if one day you meet some other guy? Someone way better than me, someone who can give you everything that I cant?"

I smiled, "That day will never come, you wanna know why? Because I love you and I already have everything I need. We're going to start a family, I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world, I don't need anyone or anything else."

He leaned in and kissed my forhead

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