Chapter 21

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I looked down at my phone.  August 23, a Thursday.

"Time has gone by so fast. We only graduated a month and a half ago."

Harry smiled looking up at me. "That's what I'm afraid of, I'm scared we'll have to leave soon."

I shook my head. "Let's not think about that. Please?"

He nodded wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Why haven't you told Niall about tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Well.. I was going to tell him today. I don't know but I'm-"

Niall stood in the kitchen raising an eyebrow. "Tell me what?"

Harry sighed. "Justin invited us to his concert tomorrow night, and I was going to tell you to give him a call. He wants to talk to you about something."

Niall nodded. "Alright, I'll go call him right now."

I interjected. "Don't tell Andrea, okay. We want it to be a surprise."

Niall looked up in confusion. "Ohhhh..kay?"

Niall walked out onto the porch to call Justin.


Andrea's POV

I rolled around in bed, hands outstretched looking for Niall's warm body. Instead I woke up to a note taped to the night stand.

"Gone out with the boys. We're all going out tonight. I'll leave you my credit card, go shopping with Kelly. Go out and buy something amazing for tonight. Please.

P.s Don't you DARE waste any of your money. It's all on me, whatever you girls want.xx"


- Nialler

I laughed at the note and quickly headed for the bathroom.

Niall's such a sweetheart. 


"Dude just pick. You've been staring at them for half an hour." Kelly whined.

"It has to be perfect."

Kelly sighed. "Why are we even buying clothes? We have like three rooms filled with clothes. Each."

I laughed, "Because he gave me his card, he wants me to buy something."

Kelly gasped. "You say that like it's a bad thing." she placed her right hand over her heart. "That hurts." she said faking pain.

I gently pushed her with my elbow. "Stop being stupid. I know I don't need the clothes, but whatever dude."

I picked up a pair of messy high-waisted shorts, bringing them to my lower body. "What do you think?"

Kelly inspected the shorts. "Dude I love it. If you don't get it I will."

I laughed, "No dumbass, I meant for tonight."

Kelly thought for a moment. "Buy them, and lay out a few different outfits when we get home, and just ask Niall what he thinks is suitable for tonight."

I nodded, "Good idea."

We slowly headed towards the front of the store, trying not to be recognized.

"I understand that our parents our famous and we get recognized all the time. But this." I said gesturing around me. "This is insane. I can't even go outside anymore, not that I really could before."

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