Chapter 20

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It's been a while since the incident. Things have started to go back to normal. Although I don't remember much of it, I understand that I hurt the people I love. Since my little stunt I've been under constant watch. I'm not left alone for longer than two minutes, if I'm lucky. It bothers me sometimes, but that's what I get for doing such a crazy thing. Niall isin't taking any risks with me, when we're not together he calls me all the time and we skype. He's terrified I might hurt myself again, I don't blame him though. I haven't given him reason to trust me again.


Today's graduation, finally. I can't wait to walk down that stage and just hold my diploma in my hand. This years been crazy, I need a break from everything.

I hear footsteps approaching, probably my mom.

To my surprise I'm faced with Niall. He smiles before walking over to sit on the bed next to me. "Hello beautiful."

I gently pull him in closer. "Hey stranger."

He winked at me. "So I hear you're becoming an adult today."

I fake a scared face. "How scary, right."

He laughed, "You'll do great."

I smiled. "What time is it?"

He looked down at his watch. "7:15"

I raised an eyebrow. "Go somewhere with me?"

He nodded "Sure." 

 I pulled on a sweater and grabbed his hand, leading him towards my bedroom door.

I paused remembering I probably wounldn't be coming back and I quickly ran back and grabbed my dress and shoes along with my makeup bag and purse.

 Niall gave me a funny look but didn't say anything.


"Crap." I shouted as I ran towards the tent.

The one day you'd think I'd be on time. Of course, I should have known better. Its my fault for going off with Niall.

I push my thoughts aside before running off the the designated gate. I quickly show my school I.D to the security guard. He laughs before opening the gate.

"The one day I thought you'd actually be on time. At least you made it at a decent time."

I laughed before running off into the crowd. I rapidly scanned the rows until I found the right one. I ducked running for my seat. I made it just in time. As I sat down, John stood.

Thank god I didn't miss his speech.

Graduation Speech:

"A few months ago Mr. Smith called me down to his office. All kinds of feelings arose in me, some of which were all too familiar."

That got the crowd going.

"I reported to his office to find the door locked, that's when Mrs. Davis informed me that Mr. Smith and Mrs. Johnson were waiting for me, right here on this very field. I knew from experience that a meeting of this nature couldn't be good."

He got a few quick laughs.

"And I started wracking my brain, going through everything I'd said on Facebook and Twitter the previous week."

That really got them going.

"As I made my all too familiar walk of shame down to this very field I could feel Mrs. Jonson's eyes bearing down on me. When I finally made it, Mrs. Jonson put her arm around me and said, "John we have something very important to discuss with you. Do you know what you did?" Or something of this nature, by this point I was having a mild seizure and too petrified to hear anything around me."

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