Part 1: Getting Ready

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"Come on Jaime! Or else we're going to be late to your house, then mine and you of all people should know how my dad gets when I'm late coming home from school!" I called to my best friend since kindergarten. "Alright! Alright! I'm coming just gotta shut down the computer!" She yelled back sounding annoyed. She shut down the computer, then looked at the clock and said "Oh snap! My mom is gonna kill me! It's already 3:45." She sighed. "Alright, I'll walk you home and on the way call my dad. Then explain maybe he'll understand." I said as I pulled my phone out my pocket. I looked up at Jaime for reassurance to call him. She nodded and I dialed his number and hit the "Call" button. It began to ring, he answered on the 3rd ring and yelled into the phone "Nalani Noelle Smith-Jackson! Where are you!" He paused waiting for the answer. I sighed and said "I'm at Jaime's," lying right through my teeth " I'm sorry I didn't call sooner daddy, I'm helping Jaime pick out her outfit for tonight." My father sighed in relief nowing that I'm OK "Okay baby, be home in a hour or else. Just call me and I'll pick you up from Jaime's. Plus, I know your lying because I heard Dr. McGruff's voice in the background on the loud speaker." He chuckled. "Okay daddy, talk to you later, love you." I said in a sweet and innocent voice. "Alright, love you too." He said the hung up. I pulled the phone from my ear and sighed. "Jaime! Let's go!" I yelled as I rushed out of the building her quickly following behind. We walked to her house. Jaime walked into the house and called to her mom. "Mommy, I'm home!" Her mother rushed into the room, and pointed to her watch. Jaime and I both knew what that meant. It meant we were late coming home. I then stood from the table and "Sorry mom, it was my fault Jaime and I were putting the finishing touches on my essay for Social Studies." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes knowing she couldn't resist. "Okay I'm going to let this one slide only because it's your birthday today." She smiled as she handed me a small box. I ripped on the box and there was a Janet Jackson shirt, black leggings from pink, and a red flannel shirt. I looked at Jaime and smiled, she nodded. She told her mom we were going to a Janet freaking Jackson concert. I always wanted to go to one. My dad finally let me because I was 15. Jaime and I ran upstairs to her room and changed. Head to toe we matched except my flannel was red and hers being blue. Did I forget to mention her birthday is November 12 and mine was November 13 today. We walked down stairs and Jaime's mom took a lot of photos of our matching outfits. I went to the bathroom and called my dad. Once again answered on the 3rd ring. "Hello daddy, can you pick us up now?" I said. "Yes I'm on my way." He laughed. "Okay don't forget our MJ sneakers!" I said loudly. "I didn't.." I cut him off "How about the backstage passes, tickets,or the posters?" I asked. "I got them all love bug." He said. "Alright see you in a few, love you,bye." I said and hung up. I walked out the bathroom seeing Jaime and her mom making duck face and taking the picture. "Aww! You two are just so cute!" Jaime looked at me and rolled her eyes. "What did your dad say?" She asked. "How did you know I was on the phone with my dad?" I asked looking confused. She laughed."Well?" I looked and said "He's on his way so we should wait in the family room so we hear him pull up and beep." "Alright whatever." She shrugged her shoulders and plopped on the couch. Ten minutes later there was a beep. Jaime and I walked over to her mom and said goodbye. We walked out to my dad's jeep and hopped in his doorless car. It was a quite awkward silence the first ten minutes then Jaime showed me this picture of Janet and baby Eissa. He was so cute.

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