Chapter Nine

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The doctor immediately came in and told me the same exact thing my mom told me, they were going to have to break my water. He explain that they were gonna have to take a long, hook like needle and stick it up my vagina, hooking onto the amniotic fluid bag until it popped basically. It sounded so painful but the doctor explained that it wouldn't hurt a bit. He said I'll only feel them tugging on the bag and the fluid running out. I thanked him and he gave me a gown to change into, then they'll take me to the delivery room.

Ki'loni left out to see if everyone, plus Niko, had came. While Chres helped me put on my gown. I was so scared my body was literally shaking.

(A/N: Okay, I don't really feel like writing that out but... long story short, she gives birth to the baby.)

Soon after, I hear a faint little cry, that grew louder. I was crying myself! "Congratulations, it's a girl!", the doctor announced. The doctor handed her to the nurse to go get cleaned up. Chres walked over to me and kissed my forehead, then my lips.

I smiled. They soon brought the baby back, wrapped in a pink and blue blanket with a small white hat. The nurse handed her to me and I cradled her. Chres had walked out to tell everyone she was here. My mom was the first to bust into the room, gushing over her. I let her hold her and everybody just admired her.

"She's so cute.", my mom cooed. "She looks just like Chresanto." I giggled. Everyone was just so fascinated with her. "Aw, lem'me hold my niecy-pooh!" Ki'loni exclaimed. My mom gently gave her to Ki'loni, causing her to fuss a little.

Chres came and sat in the chair next to the bed, next to me. "Ooh, I hate you Chresanto for her to look just like you!" Ki'loni joked. He chuckled.

I sighed, sitting back. Chres looked at me. "You good ma'?" He asked, smiling. I smiled back. "Yeah, just exhausted and tired."

The nurse soon came back in. "Okay, we're gonna need all of the family members to go out into the room over there." She pointed to the small room acrossed the hall, that was like a small waiting room. "So we can move Ms. YLN into a better room."

Everybody started their way out, walking over to the room, except for Chres, and my mom. The nurse had brung in a wheelchair so they could take me into the next room. I handed the nurse my baby while Chres and my mom helped me into the wheel chair. Chres rolled me into the next room with my mom following close behind. This room was bigger and could fit way more people. They then helped me into the bed. Luckily it was lower.

I sighed happily, getting comfortable. "The baby'll be right in. We just needed to give her shots.", the nurse informed us. I nodded and she walked out.

"I'll go tell everyone to come in here." "Okay, ma'." I looked over at Chresanto who was sitting in the chair halfway sleep. "Chres." I whispered. "Hmm?" "Come here."

He opened his eyes, rubbing them. I patted the spot next to me, scooting over. He climbed into the bed, laying down and putting his head in my lap.

I ran my fingers through his curls that he grew out more. It suits him more. I smiled. "I love you." He turned his body where that now he was looking up at me.

He smiled back. "I love you too, ma'." I smiled more, leaning down and pecking his lips. This was a start of a new beginning.


I smiled as Chres carried Camilla into the house. Yes, her name is Camilla. Camilla Sincere August. It took us a while to figure out her name but we got it. With the help of everyone at the hospital. Even the nurse thought it was a good name.

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