Chapter Six

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We sat on the couch as we talked to my mom and Chris. I had Passion laying on my chest fast asleep. The twins stayed at our hip ever since we got here.

I played with her little curls as she slept. Joy sat wide awake, watching TV. I got up and took Passion upstairs to her room.

I later her down on her bed, covering her up. She sleepy blinked a couple times, yawning.

"You leave now?" She asked, poking out her lip.

"No babygirl, but you're tired, go to sleep." I say, sitting on her bed. "I not tired, I dus miss yayin on you." She says, smiling a little.

I smile back. "Well we can just watch TV up here then." I say. She nods and I get up and cut on the TV. I go back over and lay down next to her. "We go over you house soon?" She asks out of no where.

"Yeah, we'll come get y'all next week. But why, what's going on here?" I ask curious. "Mommy an daddy fight 'lot. Me an Doy cry but dey no stop." She says sadly. 

I sit up a little. That just pissed me off. Why do they argue in front of them? Why are they arguing anyway?!

I can't ask Passion she's only three. I sigh and run my fingers through her hair. "Don't worry, they won't fight no more."

We watch TV until Passion falls asleep and then I get up. I cut off the TV, walking out, closing the door and making my way downstairs. As I was going down Chres was going up with Joy. I wasn't happy and he read my face expression. He blocked my way.

"Wassup, what happened?" He asked. I just shook my head and he let me go down. I walk into the living room and folded my arms on my stomach. Chris and my mom sat looking confused.

"What have y'all been arguing about?" I say, getting straight to it. "And don't ask me what am I talking about because Passion told me."


"Never-mind, I don't even care. But can y'all not argue around the twins?" I ask. They agree and then Chres comes downstairs. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and we get our stuff. We say bye to my mom and Chris and head back to the apartment.

I totally forgot about the whole conversation earlier until Chres started rubbing on my thighs. I playfully rolled my eyes. We get to the apartment and we got straight to it.

~~~~~Warning, Rated R scene~~~~~

(Beware the worst rated r scene ever!)

::Nobody pov::

YN locked the door after entering the apartment. Turning around to be face-to-face with Chresanto. He smashed his lips onto hers, backing her up into the door, grabbin' her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He sends wet kisses down her neck, while she runs her fingers through his curls. He picks her up, taking her into their room. He gently lays her on the bed, kissing her passionately.

They quickly undress, getting right into action. (A/N: Please forgive me for this sucky ass scene.) He gets on top of her kiss her down her neck. Her faints moans fill the room. He kisses down her chest to her belly.

She giggles as her works his tongue and lips on her stomach. Chresanto soon goes further down, to her panty line. He slides off her underwear, and starts teasing her.

"C-Chresanto don't fuckin' tease!" She growled while moaning. He kissed the her kat, making her grip the sheets. "I swear to God Chresa-" She was cut off by Chresanto going in. He licked and sucked, making her go insane.

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