Chapter 20

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We have a good time at the bar, although today there is no live music and people aren't dancing. Instead, groups of people stand or sit around and the sound of their voices, talking and laughing the night away, fills the cavern. The electronic music coming out of some speakers is playing in the background. There is no such place in Abnegation, so I soak in the atmosphere and watch the scenes playing out around me between friends and couples while I sip on my drink.

After last week's hangover, I've decided to go slower today and leave it at one or two glasses. It's enough to get into a lighter mood, but it's not enough that it will cloud all my senses.

I'm proud that I manage to ignore Peter, who tries to provoke me with some stupid remark about me being so small and weak I would still lose every hand-to-hand fight as he walks past me to meet with some bulky guy I don't know at the other end of the room. I'm sure he won't dare to touch me again after Tobias has beaten Drew to the infirmary, so I don't waste my time worrying about him anymore. Instead, I enjoy chatting along with our usual bunch of initiates. Despite my short time in this faction, I am a little more at home here every day. It's nice to have friends around, and I appreciate that Uriah and the other Dauntless-borns treat me as their equal.

Tobias is standing together with a bunch of members whose names I don't know, but maybe he'll present them to me when initiation is over and we can be together officially.

We exchange looks every now and then. It's like a game we're playing with our eyes, looking and looking away again. Although we are standing a good distance away from each other, there's a connection, and the tension between us keeps building. The mixture of longing and nervousness, growing every time our eyes meet, causes me to drink faster. I'm thankful for the relaxing effect of the alcohol when I think of being alone with him later, especially after walking in on him this morning. Is he really going to let me watch him again?

But my nerves are not the only reason that, at some point, I just want my glass to be empty and leave with Tobias. This must be what it feels like for a magnet being pulled close by another. I chuckle at the stupid clichéd thought: It was just two cocktails, though strong ones, and they have obviously made me a little tipsy, I guess.


I see Tris raise her empty glass to signal me that she's ready to leave. Our eyes lock again for just a second, causing my heart to jump. In the corner of my eye I first watch her say goodbye to her friends and next walk over to the bar to put her glass on the counter before she leaves the place.

I quickly empty my own drink. I hope she's waiting for me somewhere on the way. I don't want her to walk around alone in the darkness. Although it's not too late, I worry about her safety out there.

"Guys, I'm going home. I need my bed now after last night at the control room."

Zeke raises his eyebrows at me suggestively and grins. He pats me on the shoulder as usual as I say goodbye, silently whispering to me so nobody else can hear, "Alright Four, have fun going to bed!"

"Shut up, Zeke!" I reply, though his stupid comment forces me to grin and I roll my eyes at him, boxing him amicably in the side, with the effect of only boosting his smirk.

Tris is waiting in a hallway not far from the pit. Her whole face lights up at seeing me, and for a moment I think she's about to kiss me. But then she remembers that we're still in public, even if the corridor is deserted. We set to walk side by side, and I clench my hands into fists to keep from reaching out to her. That has become a habit lately. I wish I knew what Tris is thinking, if she feels the same desire to hold me in her arms that I have to hold her.

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