Chapter 53: Wednesday, 4 days after initiation

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We sit in Zeke and Shauna's living room, shocked and relieved at the same time, still speechless from what Zeke showed us and what he came to wake us up for.

'We' — that's basically all the Allegiant. I look at Tobias and move to sit even closer to him, his hand gripped tightly in mine.

"Can you play it again?" Uriah asks his brother who's sitting right next to his computer. "I need to hear that again to get it."

"You're all okay with this?" Zeke wants to know, letting his eyes wander over our faces.

Nobody contradicts, so he presses the play-button again and Jeanine Matthews' voice rings through the air.

"Why didn't it work, can you explain that? You told me you injected all members with our control serum as instructed."

"I did. I was there and personally oversaw the whole thing. I injected several members myself."

"What Eric says is true, I was there, too. And we injected everyone who wasn't there on Sunday yesterday or today. As Eric's co-leader, I can reassure you of that."

"But as you can clearly see here, Max, something went wrong. We're having the wires checked at the moment, to see if the problem is with the computers. It could also be the program itself. We tested the serum, but there could have been an interference of any kind that we haven't thought about. It doesn't make sense, though."

"We could organize blood samples from the infirmary, to have them analyzed in your lab."

"We could do that, just to be sure. But apart from all those factors, are you both sure that there's no sabotage going on? Do you trust all your selected members to join the revolution?"

"Of course we do! That's why they're handpicked!" Eric snarls.

"Stop raising your voice, shouting doesn't solve anything."

High heels clack on the floor, walking up and down the room, until they stop again.

"Something is foul. Eric, did you investigate why Abnegation sent their children to Amity?"

"I questioned Tris Prior this morning. She didn't give me any information that we didn't already have. She didn't slip, even when I tried to put her under pressure. If she really is Divergent, she's good at hiding it."

"That's why they are so dangerous. Maybe we can find another way to eliminate them until we've found out what went wrong with the simulation. I'd prefer not to wait until the next attempt to carry out our plans to capture them. If we had two or three of them in our lab to study their brains, we could make the serum much stronger before we reapply it."

"I thought you wanted to study them after running the attack," Max says, surprised.

"Plans can change. As the situation is different now, so are our next steps. We'll find another way to identify some of those subjects and get them onto our examination tables. I bet the Prior girl is one of them. You should keep a close eye on her and the people she's seeing. Her brother is in Erudite, I'll have him checked."

"How long will it take until we are ready to restart the attack?" Eric asks.

"That's hard to say, as we don't know yet why it didn't work. I'd estimate around-"

That's when the recording stops — low battery of the microphone, Zeke explains unusually remorseful.

On the plus side, our vaccine worked and prevented a lot of murders last night, and we now have unmistakable evidence that we can take to Candor.

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