Chapter 52

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I'm a coward.

That's what keeps running through my mind. Right now, Tris is debating with two other Divergents which strategies to use during an attack, and I'm too afraid to go over to her apartment. And that's although I know one of those other two is Uriah. He came to see me earlier, asking for my opinion. I was shocked Tris had already told him about herself, but then she had figured out his Divergence, too.

I think I could trust Uriah. He's smarter than he seems, and kind — much kinder than I am, actually.

My problem is the other person. I don't like giving this away to someone without knowing who it is. It must be someone from our group, as it wouldn't be possible to discuss the attack with someone who's not. Who can it be?

I sort out Caleb and Cara. They wouldn't be able to get into Dauntless without help, and Tris said she didn't know if anyone would come at all.

Will and Christina? I've seen their sims, I can say for sure it's not them.

Lynn or Marlene? They only heard about the Allegiant today, so there was little time for Tris to talk to them. Uriah also said he'd spent the whole morning with Marlene, and that he wanted to go back to check on her right after we talked. I know from Zeke that Shauna wanted to spend the afternoon with her sister and have a good time with her before actually telling her about the conspiracy. It's very unlikely that it's one of them.

Lauren? She'd know if it was one of the initiates, she ran all the Dauntless born's simulations. Being an instructor, she's impersonating everything Dauntless stands for — or used to stand for. We share our dislike for where our faction is heading.

Zeke or Shauna? They are my oldest friends. Wouldn't I know? But then, they don't know about me either.

What am I missing? I can narrow it down to three people, but I must do better.

I try to picture which other aptitude each of them could have besides Dauntless, but it doesn't help. None of them would be able to guess my aptitude for Abnegation, so how am I supposed to know what side of their personality they are hiding?

Next, I try to find hints in everyone's behavior that might give me a clue, but when I think about it more closely, all of them show different character traits beside the typical Dauntless attitude.

My mind goes wandering to Tris, and I wish I could have as much trust in others as she has. But then, she has never been hurt by someone the way I have been hurt by Evelyn and all the people covering the lie that allowed her to leave my life.

Do I trust Tris' judgment? Whom would she tell that she's Divergent, and who would have told her?

And that's the idea that makes me suddenly realize who it must be: Lauren.

"Do you trust Tris to decide if I'm reliable enough to tell me the truth about what is going on? You all trust her, right? I'll go and have a little chat with her, and then she can give you her opinion," Lauren says to us after surprising us in Zeke's apartment.

Everyone agrees, and I feel like I'm not really given a choice.

"See you in a minute," Tris says as she gets up and follows Lauren into Zeke and Shauna's bedroom.

Silence sets over us until we start to murmur about what it could be that they are talking about behind closed doors.

All eyes turn to Tris as she and Lauren come back into the living room soon.

"I trust Lauren," Tris simply states.

I kept asking myself what it was that Lauren told Tris to convince her of being worth trusting, especially because their conversation took only a few minutes. I never asked her, though. She wouldn't have told me, I suppose.

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