Chapter 62

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We stop before going out on the street. Tori, Christina and Marlene leave first. They'll guide Marlene to a building close to the Erudite compound. It has a roof that offers excellent views onto the whole area. She's equipped with binoculars and an amplifier which is necessary to strengthen the signals from our walkie-talkies, some of them hastily self-made by Zeke, and lead them back to Caleb. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay in touch with us, and he's the one with the map and small figures representing us, which he can move around to have a good overview of the situation.

Then Tori and Christina will continue from there to complete their own mission before joining the rest of us again.

Zeke and Edward are the next to leave. They hurry to a hiding place right opposite the entrance of the compound. They'll be able to see Max and Eric arriving at Erudite, and will later follow them inside, hopefully without trouble.

Now it's just Lauren, Will, Shauna and me. We'll split into two groups later on, to reduce the risk of being caught, and now, with Shauna, at least none of us has to go alone. For this reason, it's also extremely good to have Edward and Tori supporting us.

We wait to make sure there's some distance between our different teams and then step outside. It's liberating to finally act. At this moment, I realize that I would't have been able to wait any longer than I had to. I'm driven by both my love for Tris and my hatred for our leaders. Those emotions run through my blood like gasoline, feeding my muscles and pushing me forward.

We take turns giving each other rear cover until we've reached our position beside a group of trees at the back of the Erudite compound. Lauren rushes around a group of trees, to a garbage can in which we have hidden blue jackets for us to cover up our identities. Sure, anyone from Dauntless will probably know who we are, but we won't be as recognizable at first sight as we'd be in black.

After slipping on the jackets, we're condemned to wait again. I stare at the building in front of us, illuminated against the dark sky. I remember the night I took Tris with me on the train, to show her what was going on here. All her spontaneous conclusions have been right. She's such a good observer. I hope that skill has helped her to survive in there today.

Just like she noticed how people were still working that night, I notice how a lot of windows in the research area are dark. It's dinner time. How good it is to have former Erudite in our team, who know their schedule and habits. I bet that's also why Max and Eric are going to visit Jeanine at this time of the day. They'll rise less suspicion and questions if they meet less Erudite in the labs. I hope the whole research area will be as deserted as we assume.

Both mine and Lauren's walkie-talkies hiss, and then we hear Marlene say, "Max and Eric are coming. They're heading straight towards the main entrance."

Seconds later, Zeke confirms, "They've just gone inside. They turned right into the library, towards the lab section. They brought four guards with them."

"Do we know them?" I ask. I'm curious to find out who supports their conspiracy.

"Well, one of them is our beloved Peter," Edward smirks, and his thirst for revenge is audible despite the questionable sound quality.

"Don't forget that our priority is to get the hostages out and arrest the leaders," I remind him. I wouldn't mind kicking Peter's ass either, but I want him to focus on our task, not on his personal agenda.

"Oh, he won't have a way out of this anymore," Edward says. "Truth serum will bring out the truth of what he's done anyway."

"One of the others completed initiation two or three years before us, but I don't know his name. The other two are both older, about the same age as Max. If I remember correctly, one of them is called Daniel. The other one I don't know," Zeke finishes the answer to my question.

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